Chapter 9: Hella suspect

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A/n heres the new keana Carter above, I thought why not Change her, isn't she pretty. Plus guys what grade do you think I'm in, I'll tell in the next chapter 😉》

Keana POV

2 + 2 = 7? His lies are not added up, like if you're gonna lie at least get your facts straight.

"Mr.Danielson there's no point of lying, so you might as well tell the truth or you'll have a angry black woman protesting about sexism in the work place" I leaned back and awaited the story of the century.

But he just kinda sat there with a Blank face, no expression what so ever. Which is one of the things I admire the most about him the asshole, no matter how severe the situation was, he was still able to look calm, like he already knows what to do.

"You don't have to wear it anymore..." he said leaning back, sightly smirking at me.

My eyes widen as I suddenly hop up out of my seat "WAIT WHAT" I was literally preparing myself for every response but that one, I thought he was gonna put up more of a fight but he didn't... he said it without any hesitation, almost like he was gonna get something out of it.

"Wait... wait, what's the catch?" I said while said eyeing him.

He clapped his hands together and lifted them up in surrender "No catch; pinky promise" he extended his arm over the table with his pinky already out.

I looked at his hand "Don't you think we're a little bit too old for pinky promises Mr.Danielson" I then crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.

"You're only as old as you say you are Ms Carter" he smiled at me.

I unfolded my arms and walked towards the very end table and grabbed his pinky. All of a sudden he pulled himself out of his chair and closer to me, he had a strong grip on my pinky too.

We were face to face now, literally inches from each other. I'm so shocked right now, my normal reaction was to fight back but to be honest I wanted to see what he's going to do next.

Then he looked me right in my eyes "Keana, just know that I see everything okay, and I know everything" he let go of my pinky and sat back down, "you can leave now" he said and went back to work.

Next day - night

"So what are you gonna wear tomorrow" Nicole said while going through my closet.

"I don't know" I said while laying on the bed staring at the sealing while petting neko.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW! This is gonna be the first time you're not gonna be wearing old abuela clothing.

I took a deep breath "Nicole, we're gonna fight!" I may not be fluent in the Spanish language, but I had enough teaching to know that she basically compared my clothing to a Mexican grandma.

"We'll fight after I find you a cute outfit for tomorrow, so you can show Dylan what's he's messing" she turned around and winked at me.

"Please get your life, I don't even like that man" I said unsure 

"Lie again"

"What I gotta lie for?" I questioned 

"Everything-" she trailed on.

"Be specific please"

Nicole stopped what she was doing then took a deep breath. "Keana...before Dylan even came to this school you couldn't stop talking about him. About how you had a major crush on him in high school but yet you couldn't even say a word to the man. About how you spent all of your high school years hiding from your crush. I also remember back when you first here you KETP telling me "If I had a chance to do it all over again, I'll tell him my feelings without hesitation..."  and now here you are, you had more then one chance to tell him and all you're doing is repeating your high school years"

Wow in the 4 years I've been teaching here Nicole never got this frustrated at me. I could hear it in her voice that she was tired of me bullshiting.

"Okay, let's say I did like him, I can't go up to him and tell him. You know I'm horrible with guys."

Nicole about-faced(Google it) to face me, with a huge grin on her face "we can text him" she then proceeds to reach into her back pocket to pull out her phone.

I sat up; placing neko on the other side of me "you have his phone number" I raised an eyebrow.

"I Surely do soon to be Ms.Kingston" she then plopped down on my bed which startled neko.

"How'd you get his number?"

"Well after your pussy ass ran out of the auditorium a few weeks ago, he went to the 11th grade teachers and exchange phone numbers with them." She said while unlocking her phone to go to contacts, she scrolled down till she saw his name and gave me the phone, "here, this is his number".

"Why you give me the phone?"

"So you can call him, ya' retard" she said in a 'duh' tone.

I glared at her then looked at her phone. I scoffed "I know you did not save this nigga on your phone as 'Zaddy👅'"  I said in a amusing tone.

She then snatched the phone outta my hand then clicked on another contact and gave the phone back to me "oops wrong one" she awkwardly chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck.

"I'll deal with you later..." I sighed "-it's either now or never"

She scoffed "No, it's either now or tomorrow because I'm gonna keep pestering yo' ass till you do"

"Of course you would-" I gave her a stank face then pressed the call button, then it started to ring. "IT'S RINGING, IT'S RINGING" she yelled odviously astatic while jumping up and down on my bed, sounding like a 9 year old at a sleep over.

"No shit sherlock" I said shhing her.

The phone had been ringing for a while now, which is usually a sign that your gonna get sent to voice mail, which instantly made me sad "what if he doesn't pick-" I was cut off by some scuffling sounds caused by the other end of the phone which startled the both of us.

"Hello?" We heard a raspy voice from the phone.

(A/n yup guys that's it for today's chapter, I'm now on winter break so I'm finally able to publish; yay. Also remember guys to comment what grade do you think I'm in)



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