Day dreaming

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As i sit in class and stare at the back of the kids head my mind wanders to the setting of the book im reading. A balck cliff heavily wooded on top with a steep drop into the dark, thrashing sea below. With the beautiful blue and pink, starry sky in the backdrop the place looks harmless and pretty. But on top of the mountain savage beasts run freely wanting to kill every last animal that they share the cliff with. And then there is the girl in the story who calls herself the Hunter. She is trapped on the cliff until the day that all the monsters are killed. So she runs, hunting the beasts knowing she could never kill them all, but still trying. I day dream about living on that island hunting with the girl. It seems like a good option. In the book the girl dreams of returning to civalization and being free of her burden. I wonder if she would switch with me. Often, when I'm reading a really good book i imagine just disolving, melting right into the pages, becoming a character running around with my friends. I sigh and look around the room. Instead I'm here in this classroom with a bunch of bothersome kids. The bell rings ten minutes later startling me oiut of my daze. I pick up my books and head out of the classroom. Just before i leave i think i hear the teacher calling my name. I stop abruptly causing the tall boy who had sat in front of me to bump right into me. My boks flew everywhere and i fell to the floor. Great. He laughed but not in a mean way, in a shy, kind way, and bent down to pick up my book which had landed at his feet. He helped me up apologizing and handed me the book.

"Good book." He murmmured with a quricky grin on his face. I stood, dumbfounded as he pick up the rest of my books and handed them to me.

"Thanks." I murmmur. The boy nods with one last quricky smile and then heads out of the room. I hurry out of the room and jump in my black car. I head off to my favorite place in the whole town. My home away from home. Barnes and Noble our local bookstore. They have SO MANY books and a starbucks right by the window so i can look out at the street while i type on my silver laptop. I bring my book in and order a Pepperment Mocha, my favorite. I sit down at a two person table in the corner near the window. People havbe started to call it the Fangirl's corner. The fangirl being me. I take a seat in "my corner" and open my book. In the book a terrible storm had hit and the girl had been forced to take refuge in a suposedly deserted cave. But no sooner had i opened the book that a voice said "Hey." It was the tall boy that had bumped into me in the classroom. I remembered he had claimed to have read my book. I wasn't sure wether to feel happy that someone liked the same things as me or mad because he was taking MY book. He has brown curly hair and I am begining to associate him with the quircky grin on his face that he has had the two times i had seen him so far.

In my mind I sigh and I nod in aknowledment to him. Then expecting him to go away i turn my head back towards my screen. If only i were that lucky.

"Sorry about science class today." He says. Smile ever present on his face. Don't sit down. Don't sit down. Iplead, but evidently i jinxed it because the boy swings the chair around so the back is touching the table and sits down facing me.

"I meant what I said though." He said. I looked up puzzeled, but I thought I knew what he meant.

Sure enough he says "About that being a good book." He pulls it across the table and picks it up. I notice he doesn't pick it up so that its hanging open in mid air by it's cove like so many people do. Instead he picks the full thing up so as not to rip the cover. Is it possible.....? I think. No. I shake my head slightly. Not possible I tell myself. Don't think about it.

He leans forward. "The ending is great." He says still smiling. "The girl....."

"Don't tell me!" I say sharply before I can finish and the boy laughs.

He turned around to the rest of the coffee shop and shouts "She talks everyone!" I fight back a laugh but a smile still creeps onto my face.

"Shut up!" I say. The boy smiles obviously aware that I wasn't really serious. I finish the last of my coffee just for something to do.

"You want another one?" The boy says motioning to the coffee. He stands up.

"You don't have to do that." I say shaking my head. I don't look up at him but focus on the screen instead.

"Oh come on!" he says "I'm going up there anyway to get myself a coffee. Might as well save a trip for you." I roll my eyes.

"Fine" I murmur and i reach into my bag and pull out a ten dollar bill. I hold it out but the boy refuses to take it.

"On me." HE says shaking his head at the money.

"I don't even know you."  I said with a sigh.

The boy was silent for a second then said. "Your right you don't know me. My names Jack." I nod and turn my head back towards the screen. but the boy, Jack, still doesn't leave.

"Well Jeez!" He says. "I tell you my name, but you won't tell me yours!" I laugh not because of what he said but the expression on  his face when he said it.

"It's Lucy." I choked between laughs.

"Lucy." The boy repeats his smile wider than ever. "Ok Lucy. Now we know each other." and he dashes off and gets in line leaving my money behind. I sigh and sit down. I trry to push the boy out of my mind. I try to concentrat on the story I'm writing on Wattpad. MY own version of The Hunter. Living on the cliff. Except this time there is another way she can get off. She could jump off the cliff into the trashing waters below. Sopposedly a sea god would protect her from drowning or being devoured or hitting herslef on a rock. But she has to first work up the coursage. If she jumps and the sea god kept his word she would be able to swim to the main land if he didn't......well everyone knew what would happen. The story had over 15 million reads and even more votes. Buyt today she couldn't focus on her story. She closed her laptop and opened her book. Now she was wondering whathappened in the book. Jack had made her curious. She turned the page and then Jack was back sliding her coffee toward her.

"I never told you what i wanted." I said looking down at the coffee with distaste. I only like Pepermint Mocha.

"Just try it." Jack said. I took the cup and took a slow short drink.

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