The Roses

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Zayn's P.O.V

Knock, knock. Waiting with a fresh long stem rose hiding behind my back, a slight breeze prickling my neck. The door creaks open and there (Y/N) is, standing there with the prettiest dress, most beautiful smile, rosy cheeks, curl hair, rolling on the balls of her feet a she beams, glowing through her sparkling, smiling eyes.

Taking the flower with a giggle, she leans toward me and brushes her soft lips against my cheek. I've never felt so in love and everything couldn't possibly be any more perfect.

We sit down and talk about our day, complimenting each other, laughing, kissing, cuddling, asking crazy questions and dreaming of what new smiles and adventures tomorrow might bring us.

We pause. The moment lingers and I notice she looks a little nervous. Maybe there's something she's not telling me. I look into her eyes reassuring her that no matter what she needs to say, I'll always be there to listen and help her through whatever is hurting or troubling her. She looks back into my eyes as they become wet with a hint of tears.

I hold the rose up to her eyelids and brush the soft petals gently across her face, catching her tears. Opening her eyes she looks down at her arms, fingers interlocked, arms faced down and covered in sleeves. She uncovers (Y/N) arms just slightly to show her burning skin beneath, scared and raw from having just been cut.

"I... I need to..."

I place my finger against her lips, "shhhh". She didn't need to say another word. Lifting her arms slowly to my lips, I gently kiss each scar, each cut. Each one representing a fear, a hurt, a worry, a bad memory, a rejection, a loss. Each scar has a story. Again holding our rose, I place the soft petals against her scars.

"I'm sorry you've been hurting so much that you've cut yourself, self harmed, had such dark thoughts, feelings and fears - and all this time without me. Thank you for showing me your scars, thank you for having the confidence to give this gift of trust to me, thank you for letting me love you.

I'm here now. Let me hold you through this. Let me take your blades and with them the hurt they represent. Take this rose to remember the bond we share and the love we have for each other and that it can fight through even this. Every time you want to cut, think of us, this moment, take a petal and cut it. Put the cuttings in a jar to remind you of the scar you saved giving yourself.

Tomorrow I will bring you a new rose. One day, maybe not for a while, but one day, we may be able to sit together holding hands, smiling at the beautiful bunch of unharmed roses sitting in a jar of distant memories, of the dried cut petals of yesterday."

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