Stay With Me Tonight (Louis)

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Louis P.O.V

"why must you always be so fucking difficult" I sigh trying to unlock my flat door. I finally pry it open and walk in, turning on the lights and throwing my keys on the stand. I go over to my phone and see I had a few messages so I listened to them while checking the mail. The first two were shit, advertisement crap but right when I heard your voice in panic I stopped everything. "Louis, oh god, please when you get this please come over, I need you, I know it's been a year, I know you've probably moved on, oh god, please" the line goes dead and I quickly drop the mail and grab my keys.

When I get to your apartment I knock and there was no answer. I panic and remember where you hide your spare key and quickly open the door. It was dead silent which scared me even more. "(Y/n)!" I scream turning on all the lights as I look around frantically for you. I see a dim light coming from the master bedroom and I run. I here shallow wails coming from the bathroom where the light came from and I instantly knew what you had done, why? Why!? I run and open the door and I gasp at you laying on the floor in a ball your blood smeared everywhere from you moving.

"Shit" I say running to you and see that you were still conscious. "(y/n) you didn't take the pills did you?, DID YOU?, oh god please tell me you didn't" you shake your head and open your hand letting the still full bottle roll out. I pick you up and hold you in my arms. "I'm calling emergency!" I say and you keep shaking your head, and look up your eyes so red and puffy you had bags, have you not been sleeping? "No Louis please? I need you" you say and I nod and hold you tighter, I should had seen the signs, you distancing yourself, you leaving me saying she didn't want to hurt me, I knew you past why didn't I see this dammit.

"Why (y/n) fuck why!?" I was in tears now rocking her back and forth my head in her hair. She brings her hand to my face and I look to her. The blood had stop pouring, her cuts starting to clot. "not you Louis, Not you" no matter how much you tell me it wasn't my fault, I still feel to blame. "I should have seen this coming, I should have done something to stop it, oh god if I had Gotten here to late" the thought of you laying on the floor dead came flying into my vision making me extremely sick to my stomach.

"Please for the love of Christ why (y/n)?" You look at me and your eyes full up again. " I thought leaving you would be better for the both of us, the fans might stop hounding us sending us both hate, maybe we'd both feel less pain, I couldn't hurt you anymore, I always would hurt you when I'd shrug away from a hug or say something hurtful I just thought it be best but it wasn't it got worse I couldn't do it anymore I called you, but then I felt so bad for calling you like that and" you were balling now and you start to shiver I just pick you up and lead you to the bed and I take my shirt off and lay down, you lay down beside me and lay your head on my chest and I pull you closer and I let you cry, I run my hands in your hair and kiss your temple. "Shh I'm here now, and no matter what you do i'm not leaving this time, ever" I say kissing your forehead, I couldn't let this happen again, life without you wasn't something I could even fathom, I needed you tonight you needed me tonight, we need each other forever...

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