Broken Part 8-Welcome to the family

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(A Demi Lovato Fan Fiction.)

Kevin's POV

As we kept drinking our Starbucks we started to chat Demi seems really cool she told me how she met Alice and what had happened and she told me how much she loves music I kept thinking wow Demi and Alice were exactly alike. I told Demi that I actually sing and play guitar Alice looks at me and laughs and said "When I first met him he was singing to One Republic in his boxers and his guitar on the bed." Demi and Alice bursted into laughter "Oh haha." I said in laughter as we finished our Starbucks Demi ran to her guitar Alice and I looked at each other confused Demi plugs in the amp and starts to play Alice and I looked at each other amazed.

Demi's POV

As I got to know Kevin he seems so nice I can tell he's perfect for Alice when Alice told the story of how they first met I laughed so hard that was so cute when he said he played guitar I got an idea I ran as fast as I could almost slipping on the rug Alice kept slipping on I should really move that rug and I grabbed my favorite guitar as I plugged in the amp I played a few cords it's a song I wrote when I was Kevin's and Alice's age it's called "Don't Forget "

"Did you forget

That I was even alive?

Did you forget

Everything we ever had?

Did you forget?

Did you forget

About me?

Did you regret (did you regret)

Ever standing by my side

Did you forget (did you forget)

What we were feeling inside?

Now I'm left to forget

About us

But somewhere we went wrong

We were once so strong

Our love is like a song

You can't forget it

So now I guess

This is where we have to stand

Did you regret

Ever holding my hand?

Never again

Please don't forget

Don't forget

We had it all

We were just about to fall

Even more in love

Than we were before

I won't forget

I won't forget

About us

But somewhere we went wrong

We were once so strong

Our love is like a song

You can't forget it

Somewhere we went wrong

We were once so strong

Our love is like a song

You can't forget it

At all

And at last

All the pictures have been burned

And all the past

Is just a lesson that we've learned

I won't forget

Please don't forget us

Somewhere we went wrong

Our love is like a song

But you won't sing along

You've forgotten

About us

(Don't forget)"

*Still Demi's POV

As I finished singing a small tear escaped my eye I remembered that I wrote that song when I lost my best friend I look up and see Alice and Kevin smiling but Alice knew I was tearing up so she walked to me and she jumped over the rug I laughed a little and said "It's not gonna kill you Alice." she hugs me and says "that was beautiful Demi and don't cry ok you have us now and we'll always be here for you." I smile and say thank you and Kevin walks up and says "I feel left out come here you two it's all ok." we all laugh and hug each other once we were done Alice laughed Kevin and I were confused and she said I just noticed we all almost have the same outfit we all look at each other and just laugh. As I look at the clock it was 12:00 I tell Alice we should get to you're birthday party we don't wanna be late.

Alice POV

It was 12:00 I grabbed my phone and we all got into Demi's car I invited Kevin too I was so excited the party was going to be only 2 hours then we were all going to Six Flags. I called shotgun before Kevin did he was upset but laughed it off Demi put on her shades and we drove off singing on the top of our lungs, When Demi was making the turn down the block something caught my eye her wrist I saw that she had a Band aid "Did she cut her wrist.?" I said to myself as we got to my house I saw my whole family there the yard was packed with music a bar b que and the trampoline was set up I saw Kevin and Demi's mouth drop as we pulled up then Demi yelled "I think we're gonna have a pretty damn good time haha!"

Author's POV

As Alice,Demi and Kevin walked in Alice's entire family greeted them they all gave Demi a warm welcome telling her our home is you're home and showing her around as Alice and Kevin followed them Alice's mom came in and said "Happy Birthday Sweetie! I hope you like it you're dad and I had to get the whole family here did you enjoy the sleepover.?" Alice looked at Demi and said yeah I had a good time it was the best sleepover I've ever been to in forever. Well I'm glad you had fun sweetie is this you're new friend.?" Alice smiled and said "Yeah this is Demi and she's not just my friend she's my best friend." and Alice and Demi hugged each other and Kevin joined in making them laugh. Alice's mom couldn't be happier she told Demi and said "Welcome to the family sweetie."

Demi's POV

Alice's family is so amazing they all gave me a warm welcome like if they had known me forever I always wanted a family like this as we walked around the yard we made our way inside Alice's house to get to the back yard and once we made it outside I heard somebody scream Alice! all of her cousins came up to her and hugged her it was the sweetest thing ever.

Kevin's POV

As we make our way inside I saw all of Alice's baby photos with her brother and sisters her brother Zac was always like a big brother to me we met two years ago he's 19 now the same age as Demi I wonder where Zac was we made our way to the backyard and once Alice walked outside all her cousins ran up to her and gave her a group hug dragging me and Demi in once we all let go I saw Zac and ran to him he had a football and I told him to throw it at me he did and it hit me hard in the chest I heard Demi and Alice laugh at me. He helped me up and we did our handshake as we walk towards Demi and Alice as we're walking Zac tells me who was Alice's new friend I told him that's Demi she's 19 and a amazing singer he looks at me and say's really he stops me for a second and tells me "Hey Kev do you know if she has a boyfriend.?" I laugh and say "Zac do you have a little crush on Demi.?" he starts to blush and say "She's cute you can't blame me and besides I love music too I should show her my guitar collection before we leave or my vinyl rock records." I start to laugh and say "great pick up bro." He laughs and punches my arm.

(Hope you guys like it next part tonight I promised drama but that's coming up.)

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