PART 3.2

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"Yeah. Since, his boyfriend, V's childhood friend is Jumin. But...I didn't want to be swayed by money so I refused. What I hated more was that Jumin's arrogant attitude reminds me of my brother."

"So that's why you don't like Jumin?"

"...Yeah I wanted to prove that I could do well without those things. That's why it's not like decide to continue the rehearsals...I can't believe that I told you this much about me."

He took a deep breath and smiled at me. It's that smile again... That big smile where his eyes were closed.

The sky's shadow moved on from his face and the moonlight shines.

"It feels strange... I feel as if I've known you for a long time."

"Actually...I've been thinking about what Jaehee said to me."

"Are you talking about Jaehee being displeased because of my feelings for you? Don't worry, Jaehee is a nice person. She's just worried about my career"

"Yeah I understand that but what I mean is when she mentioned to me that you're just depressed and emotional that's why you want to meet me. So it occurred to me...Maybe that's the reason why you also think that you have feelings for me"

"You first I was thinking that maybe the reason why i'm thinking to myself that I like you is because the new member is a girl, I kept saying that I haven't had a girlfriend  for a longtime and that Seven said you look cute but...when Yoosung and the others mentioned that I started logging in the chatroom often just to talk to you, I realized to myself that it's really true...I...have special feelings for you.

Haha...come to think of it, this is the first time that I told you face to face about my feelings right? I'm glad I had a chance to tell you this to avoid misunderstandings."

"Oppa...I don't know how to explain this to you and I don't want to hurt your feelings or make you hope on something but..."

"You don't feel the same way right? It's okay. I may be too fast for me to have these feelings for you but, I know that's how I feel.

And if it's not bothering know that I like being honest with my feelings so I hope you would let me express my feelings to you, can I?"

"Yeah...but like what I've said I don't want to give you false hope by just receiving all your love. "

"Don't worry. Just think of me as Zen the Knight~! Who's always here to help you. I know that you're a nice person not just to me but to everyone else too. You know, that is the thing that I like the most from you. You always cheers me up and you gives me strength. You didn't only liked my looks but me as a person, too. You make me happy by just doing that. That is enough to me for now.

But of course, I won't give up! Not until you fall for somebody else. I'll show you that you can be proud of me. I'll try harder! You don't need to think about it now. I don't want to hear an answer right now... I'm just telling you all this so you have time to think seriously about me. I'm really proactive right?

Uhm...I'm not saying this because I think it"ll help you answer, but, uhm I don't really think it will, but I can make a pretty good husband. I'll tell you where I am all the time. I'm good looking, I'm nice, and I do what I'm told. I'm a workaholic so I'll never drink with my friends until late and come home late. You're worried about my drinking and smoking habits so I lessened that. Besides, I'm incredibly romantic when we are alone... I too early for this?"

"Oh! Sorry...I think I'm blushing. Gosh~ Ooh~! My face feels so hot. I'm sorry this is the first time that a person confessed to me like...THIS honest...ahh~now I'm embarrassed..."

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