Part 21: Miss

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3:45 am

"707! Do you really want to die with my hands?!" A tall, long-haired man wearing an all black pants, long sleeved V neck shirt and leather jacket yelled at Seven. He is holding a taser while standing behind Seven, who's sitting on a office chair.

"Eyy~ Come on~ You can't easily kill me with a taser..." Seven teasingly answered while rapidly typing on his keyboard.

"I've got a gun with me, you know!"

"Fine, fine...I'll do it after I finish this. Go and clean my house for the meantime okay, Mary Vanderwood 3rd?"

"What bullshit are you calling me? Just do your job, please? Until when are you going to ditch your job for that girl huh?"

"I told you, I'm going to do that after I finish this"

"That's what you've been telling me since yesterday!!! Even from the first and second time that you ditched your REAL job for the sake of that girl! You know that the reason why you're still alive right now is because I'm covering up for you right? If the boss discovered that you're also working like this for RFA--if they knew about that girl, you know the consequences right?"

"I know. That's why I need to completely ensure that she'll be safe before I go back to the place where I belong so buy more time for me"

"This is not a kid's game. The client is something even our organisation can't handle. Did you know that the last group who took on a job for them was completely wiped out because they were late for a few seconds!!! If you mess this up, we will face the same end"

"Don't worry~! I have this mighty and fiery robodog that I created! It was originally for MC but..." Seven pulled out a small robot that is made of metal and resembles a dog out of a big metal box under his computer table, beside his feet. "See? It can spit fire--"

"The boss already knows about her" Vanderwood's word stopped and made Seven froze from his seat.

"W--What?" Seven asked as he slowly turned his chair, facing Vanderwood. His eyes are widened from shock.

"I said the boss already knows about THAT girl that you're always protecting"

"How did they...know?"

"You may be one of the best hackers in the organisation but you're not the only one. They have their own ways" Vanderwood crossed his arms as he answered.

"Did they ordered you to finish me off after this?"

"No, they still have some use to you after all. But they DID ordered me to use that girl and the whole RFA to threaten you." The ominous atmosphere increased around them as they silently stared at each other. "Look--I'm risking my life here to help you so please just do the job okay?"

"Don't you dare to touch her!" He mumbled as he looked at Vanderwood with a cold death stare.

Vanderwood smirked. "Then finish your job." He answered, then turned his back and grabbed the vacuum on the floor.



Jaehee, Zen, Yoosung

Jaehee: MC, it's been a week already, how is it going at Rika's apartment? How was your wound?

MC: It's all healed now~ This place seems very familiar, maybe because I lived here before. Although, I don't remember some of my memories here." I answered while walking around the bedroom.

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