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"Ms. Kang..." A deep, lifeless voice called out to Jaehee who's anxiously sitting along the hallway, outside MC's hospital room.

"M--Mr. Han?" Jaehee stood up from the bench in surprise.

"Has Mc regained her consciousness?" Jumin asked, standing two meters away from Jaehee.

"No...not yet. Seven and Yoosung is watching her, would you like to...go inside?"

"I'm glad that at least you is not pushing me away from her but...maybe Seven is right. I don't deserve to watch over her after what happened"

"Mr. Han, if you think that I am not angry at you, then you are wrong. I can't believe that YOU, of all people, lost your composure and did all of those things to MC. I know that the gunshot was not intended to hit her but if it wasn't her, then Seven would be the one who's lying on that bed right now! How could you point a gun on Seven?! He's our friend! Our member! Our family! How could you--!..." 

Jaehee couldn't finish her sentence as tears fell from her eyes.  As the person who spent an awful lot of time serving this person in front of her, who is now hated by their friends for hurting another friend, this must be the least situation that she wanted him to see. All these times, she's showing a strong act at work, to keep up with her boss' performance expectations, and at the organisation, to maintain balance, but she finally broke down.

Jumin couldn't do anything. He can't take a step closer nor find the words to say to her because there's literally nothing in his mind right now but MC. A 'selfish thought' as he calls it. He couldn't beg for forgiveness because it won't turn back time. He couldn't go back. He couldn't go forward.

"Sorry, please excuse me for a moment..." Jaehee run on the opposite side of the hallway, away from Jumin who's just gazing at her.


Two weeks after the incident.

A few hours after MC regained her consciousness.

"Jumin" Seven called out. He's hesitant to enter the room as he watched Jumin's wounds, inflicted by Zen, being treat by the nurse.

"Please step out for a moment" Jumin requested from the nurse.

"You're lucky. MC decided not to report you to the police and of course we have no choice but to agree on her request. You're lucky because you shot the kindest victim"

A loud thud was heard all throughout the room as Jumin's knees hit the floor while tightly clenching his fist onto his black suit pants. Seven was dumbfounded at what he is witnessing and with a puzzled look, he just continued to watch Jumin in silence.

"Seven...I deeply apologize for what I have done" Jumin started speaking. "I wasn't in my right mind. I was afraid of the fact that MC is going to leave me, and you're the one who's taking her. But I know now that I was wrong. No, I know right from the start that I was wrong and I still did it. I was blinded by love and greed. If I didn't dreamt of being with her forever, she would be happy right now. She would be laughing at your silly jokes, as usual. I would see her smile again, if it wasn't for me"


"Listen to me first!" Jumin cuts Seven. "I've seen the way she looks at you. Even from those times when Zen was acting as if he is her boyfriend. I know that look. It's the same way that I look at her. And I've also seen how you look at her. I've also seen how much you hold yourself back. I don't know why exactly you're stopping yourself from having your happiness when you're both feeling the same way but, out of all people here, Me, Zen and you, you're the only one that she looks at differently"

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