Worried as hell :(

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"SHIT!!" You say as you jump out of bed. "Fuck fuck fuck, I have 5 minutes to get ready", you quickly get dressed and race out the door. Only just managing to catch the bus, you sit and have a breather.
You pull your phone out from your pocket only to see you never got a message from him. "I guess he doesn't like me then" you think to yourself and sigh.

When you reach college, you go straight to class. You've only just beat your tutor but you notice kaneki isn't in. You really start to worry.

When it reaches lunch time, you go over to hide and ask if he knew of kaneki's where abouts,

"I'm sorry (y/n), I haven't heard from him all night, but he does this often, he'll be fine okay" hide reassures you, but you're still worried.


At the end of the day, you decide to walk all the way home, rather than catching the bus, as you need the air to calm yourself.

On the way home, you spot a book store, you decide to go in and read for a bit. You find a comfy beanbag and start reading away. After some time has passed, you get disturbed by someone talking to you.

"Hey (y/n)" you look up and see him, you jump up and hug him.

"Kaneki you idiot, you didn't message me or come into college today, you had me worried" you say,

Still holding onto him. You feel his arms wrap around you

"I'm sorry (y/n), I washed my hands before I saved your number and I had work today, I'm sure you wasn't too worried".

You pull away from the hug "so what are you doing here?" You ask curiously.

"I was just getting a new book and then I saw you, but I'll be going home soon"

"Ohh me too, I was just reading to clear my head a little", You say shyly.

"I'll walk you home again then, don't want any ghouls to get you" he chuckles.

(At your block of flats)

"Thank you for walking me again, I was just wondering if I could get your number? As someone washed mine away" you say with a giggle at the end.

Before you know it, he grabs your hand. Your face blushes up from his cold, sudden touch, and butterflies fill your stomach.
He write his number on the back of your hand, before giving it a gentle kiss.  ^//^

"Have a good evening" he says, then gives off his innocent smile before heading home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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