Chapter 5

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   I stared as her mom tells Tabatha her name. I wait, unsure of what I want the answer to be. It's silent. "Disown" i start crying harder, unable to control myself.
   My eyes find Naomi's and she drops her gaze to the ground.
   She knew. Everyone knew, but no one told me! Why? Stupid. You should've known before. She never went anywhere near animals. She was tense. Gosh Clarity, you're stupid not to notice anything!, I think to myself as I slowly stop my sobs. No one trusts me.
   Thank you everyone! Have a wonderful rest of the day!" Tabatha waves and blows kisses. She's the only one smiling, which I'm sure she must of noticed.
   A man whisked Kelsey off somewhere. A similar looking man roughly dragged me into the limo. Tabatha followed. "You will be given a list of jobs that must be done every day. There are other donations like yourself of course, but absolutely no time for chitchat. Here's a list of rules. Oh and you can't wear that, it'll get much too dirty. I'll have a charity dress for you I just need your size" she yanks me over to her side of seats and checks the tag on my best Sunday dress. I notice she has a seatbelt, but I don't. She really doesn't care about our safety.
   Inside the limo is blinding! Sparkles and gold are everywhere I look. The seats are pale white leather.
   Suddenly I'm drawn back to reality by a sharp pain across my cheek. "Pay attention! You will not be daydreaming!" This new side of Tabatha is terrible. Nothing like the smiling, cheerful person I see on TV. "Go over the rules. I expect you will have them memorised by the time we arrive." Is she crazy? I want to ask when we will arrive, but I didn't want to be punished more. "If they aren't memorised you will be punished. Discipline is key with animals". I stare at her in disbelief. Animals? I'm a human!
   Tabatha caught me staring and gives me another slap. "Don't be rude" I shakily look at the paper. I'm slightly dyslexic, so reading is hard. I took a deep breath. This car ride is going to be long.

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