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In one swift motion, Elizabeth flipped her hair over her head, took the elastic from her mouth and secured it tightly into a pony tail. She stood up straight, looking into the mirror.

Her contacts were still in.

Deciding that it would be a good idea to take them out, she leaned over the counter to get a closer look and brought her finger to her eyes. Everything became blurry.

Suddenly her phone let out a clear trill, causing her to jump. Fishing around for her glasses, she swiped left on her phone and brought it to her ear. She was greeted by a familiar laugh.

"What do you want, Ash?" She barked, exiting her bathroom and taking a seat at her desk. Textbooks were sprawled out in front of her, the one labelled 'history' open to page one-fourty-two. She had a test tomorrow.

"Ashton?" Elizabeth repeated, vexation dripping from her voice.

Normally a phone call from ashton would make her happy. They had often times spent entire nights talking to each other on the phone. But tonight was different. Tonight Elizabeth wanted nothing to do with him.

Usually Ashton drove her home from school, but not today. Today she had to spend 30 minutes walking home in the cold because when she made it out to the student parking lot, his car was nowhere to be seen and not even a text was thought to be sent her way.

"Oi mate, good choice ditching that Elizabeth chick," A voice she realized belonged to none other than Luke Hemmings enthusiastically praised. She rolled her eyes upon hearing this. So he had done it on purpose.

"Elizabeth Chase?" This voice sounded familiar, but she could not quite place it. "She's in my third period study hall. She's always talking to that girl Casey." By now, Elizabeth realized who was talking. Calum hood. "So annoying."

This was obviously a butt dial, and she didn't want to eavesdrop, but by now she assumed she had every right.

"Tell me about it." Ashton finally spoke up. "She never shuts up. I swear, I can't get her off my back." He said casually. He was speaking of her as if they hadn't known each other since the very beginning of middle school, and it hit Elizabeth like a truck. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind. Maybe Ashton would redeem himself.

"She wants me to go with her to some stupid concert next week, but honestly I just can't be bothered." He sighed. Her lip was compressed so tightly between her teeth at this point she was sure it was going to be black and blue tomorrow.

They were going to that concert to celebrate her birthday.

"Oh shit, the one in the city?" Luke enquired, excitement in his voice. "I've been dying to get into that, you should-" Elizabeth had heard enough. She abruptly hit the end call button and brought up her messages app.

To Ash xx: Don't worry about that "stupid concert" I'll find someone else to go with.

From Ash xx: what?
From Ash xx: Lizzy that wasn't what it sounded like
From Ash xx: Please let me explain

That was the last message from him that she bothered to read before throwing her phone onto her bed.

She should have seen this coming. Lately, her best friend of six years had been distancing himself. They went from hanging out almost every day to only seeing each other in school. Sometimes he would say things completely out of character, and usually could be seen by the side of one of his band mates.

It was clear he was done with her. He had obviously moved onto bigger and better things, and those things did not include her.

She shifted her attention to her desk. On it was a frame, and in the frame was a picture of her and Ashton. She remembered exactly when it was taken. A few days before their first day of freshman year. They were at the beach, and Ashton was carrying her on his shoulders. One of their other friends had snapped the pic and Elizabeth liked it so much, she decided to frame it.

Now the sight of it makes her sick. She picked it up, holding it in her hands for a few minutes.

"I hate you." She whispered, chucking the frame with as much force as she could muster. A sharp cracking sound reached her ears as the frame hit the floor and slid under her bed. She flinched, but then reminded herself that it didn't matter.

He didn't matter.

Inseparable | Ashton IrwinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora