Ch. 3

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"Sometimes mortals can be more horrible than monsters."

The next morning Violet stands beside another woman named Katie as they organize and take an inventory of the canned foods in the community pantry. The fresh smell of freshly squeezed orange juice and omelettes flow from the kitchen into the pantry as Violet clutches onto her growling stomach. Katie smiles at her as she stacks cans, quickly scribbling down the numbers. "Ready for breakfast, huh?" Katie asks her as she sets her notepad down.

"I haven't had a decent meal in God knows how long," Violet smiles back at her. Katie nods her head as she continues counting. "Yeah," Katie says, "that's how my family was until we found this place. This place saved our lives." Violet watches her as she stacks the cans, lining them all up perfectly. "You have a family?" Violet asks, another twinge of jealousy flashing through her.

Katie nods her head as she slides the cans to the side, preparing another row for counting. "Yep," Katie says, "it's just me and my two boys, Ethan and Easton. Ethan is 8 and Easton is 4." Violet smiles but doesn't say anything more. She's trapped in her own thoughts as memories roam her mind. That's when she feels it, the intense fear. The feeling of death.

"You know I've seen the way he looks at you...." Katie says, interrupting Violet's brief moment of panic. She catches Violet off guard. "I'm sorry," Violet mutters as she breathes in slowly, "what do you mean?" Katie blushes as she shakes her head. She quickly peeks her head around the corner to make sure that no one else can hear them. "Negan," Katie whispers as she leans towards Violet, "the way he looks at you - you're special."

Violet carefully listens to her as she too makes sure that no else can hear them. "Yeah," Violet whispers as she continues on with stacking cans, "he's um, interesting." Katie lets out a small laugh as she raises her eyebrows. "Just a little bit," Katie says sarcastically, "sure, he can be eccentric and kind of an asshole, but he's really not all that bad." Violet doesn't say another word. She focuses on her work. She can't let stupid apocalypse gossip distract her from her goal - surviving.

An hour later she's scarfing down a dry but delicious omelette, washing it down with the fresh orange juice that she was smelling earlier. She tries to treasure every moment but she can't help but place bite after bite into her mouth. She watches as people wander around the common area, chatting and working away. She sees one man in particular watching her from the corner of the room. He rubs his hands along his bald head as he gives her an evil smirk.

An uncomfortable knot grows in her stomach as she looks away from him. Suddenly everyone in the room comes to a halt as the conversations stop and the work halts. Violet rubs her lips together as she turns her eyes in the same direction as theirs. Negan stands in the entrance of the common area, Lucille high on his shoulder as usual. "Come on people," Negan smiles, "stop looking at me all intimidated like you've all seen a ghost, that shit just makes me blush."

Everyone does as he commands as they turn their attention back to what they were doing before. The quiet room grows back to a low noise as dishes clink against one another and voices speak. Violet continues to watch Negan as he catches her looking at him from across the room. Slowly, he makes his way towards the center of the room, right beside the bench that Violet sits alone at.

"All alone, huh?" Negan smiles as he looks down at her. Violet looks around her at the empty bench. "Yeah," she says as she nods up at him, "looks like it." Negan smiles again as he rests Lucille beside him, gently leaning his weight against her. "Well shit," Negan says, "that shit just makes me sad. Such a pretty thing like you sitting here all alone...."

Violet shrugs again as she takes another swig of her orange juice. "It's been like that my entire life," she says as she looks down at her more than half eaten omelette. "Don't say shit like that," Negan laughs as he runs his palm across the scruff on his chin. "Excuse me?" Violet says as she glares back up at him. "I just said that, that shit makes me sad and you go ahead and say more sad shit," Negan says as he glares down at her.

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