Ch. 6

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"Be careful in the company of monsters that you don't become one."

Violet lies on her twin bed, her bare toes skimming the edge of the mattress. She listens carefully to the darkness. Voices that once echoed through the halls echo no longer as everyone has made it to their rooms. Night has fallen again as Violet stares up at her ceiling. She clutches tightly to her sheets and comforter as she pulls them up to her neck, her cold breath creating a fog in front of her lips.

She tries to fight her memories, her past. She tries to think of something else, anything else. The feeling of starvation. Surviving against walkers. Negan. She thinks of the way that he sways into a room, Lucille tight on his shoulder. She thinks of his booming laugh and the way his shoulders rattle alongside with it. She thinks of his dark, peppered hair and his tight jeans, gripping onto every curve of his body carefully. Shit. Stop Vi. He's a psychopath. Remember that?

But if she doesn't think about him, she thinks about them. He's her distraction. He's her saving grace. She rolls to her side as she keeps her comforter closely wrapped around her. She blinks in the darkness, trying to focus on something else. She stares at the bookshelf against her wall, a few books lining the shelves. Slowly, she gets up from her bed, walking carefully across the cold tile floor.

She scans the bookshelves with her fingertips looking for something interesting. Skip. Skip. She stops on the Bible. She freezes, staring at the small print along the binding of the book. She breathes in carefully, trying to fight the urge to pick it up, to hold it in her hands. She quickly glides it from the shelf, holding it's heavy weight in her palms as she stares down at it. She won't open it.

A heavy panic begins to overwhelm her as memories flash across her mind. A deep, gnawing sensation begins to tear through her chest as her heartbeat quickens. She clutches her eyes shut as she holds the book to her chest, clutching it tightly with all of her might. Slow sobs begins to escape from her as she leans against the edge of the bookshelf. Tears flood her cheeks as she finds it hard to control her breathing.

She can't stop it. It's overwhelming. Consuming her like it always has, like the Black Death sweeping through Europe. It eats her alive, swallowing her whole. Her body slowly begins to rattle as she digs her fingernails into the leather covering of the Bible. She presses her now salty lips together as she furiously shakes her head, trying to shake the demons from her shoulders.

"Stop," she mutters to herself as more tears flood her cheeks, "stop fucking crying, Violet." She sucks in a heavy breath as she pushes more of her weight onto the bookshelf. She wants to forget their names. Forget their faces. She doesn't want to become who she was again. The way she would fuck her way into forgetting. The way she would shrug her shoulders and rolls her eyes, pretending like she didn't care.

She bites her bottom lip so hard that she causes it to bleed, a soft flow of blood streaming into her mouth. The taste of iron is bitter as she licks her bottom lip, flicking the blood away. Again, she leans harder into the bookshelf, her entire weight on it. Within a second, there's a loud crash, the bookshelf collapsing to the floor.

"Shit," she mutters as she throws the Bible onto her bed, kneeling down to begin picking up the books that have spilled off of it. She quickly gathers the books in her hands as her door swings open, the light switch flipping on. One of Negan's men stands in the doorway, his eyes directly on hers. "Sorry," she mutters as she continues picking up books, "I leaned against it and it fell over." The man looks her up and down, his lips in a thin line.

Slowly, he kneels next to her, placing his hands along the edge of the bookshelf. Violet watches him as he does this, noticing a huge crack along the back of the shelf. "Fuck," she growls as she closes her eyes as she shakes her head. "It's busted," he says as he stands up again, "that's damaged property. I have to report that to Negan."

"Yeah, yeah," she says as she waves him off, "do whatever you have to do." The man gives her a dirty look as he looks her up and down once more, escaping into the darkness. She closes her eyes as she throws the books the floor, the hard backs cracking against the tile floor. She runs her hands through her hair as she licks her bottom lip again. "Great Violet," she whispers to herself, "just fucking great. Getting yourself into trouble like always."

As she sits among the books scattered along the floor, she hears heavy boots walking down the narrow hallway. The man who had been there before carefully turns into her room, his hands across his chest. "Negan will see you now," he says as he waits for her to rise. The two of them steadily walk along the dark hallway as she waits to get to Negan's room. She begins to wonder if a broken bookshelf was worth a baseball bat to the skull or maybe a weeks worth of food. She was never sure of what Negan had up his sleeve.

As they approach the door, the man knocks his knuckles against the wooden door. "Come the fuck in," Negan says on the other side. The man gently opens the door, revealing Negan on the other side. Negan leans against a cabinet, Lucille nowhere in sight. Maybe a bookshelf wasn't worth a baseball bat to the skull....

"Well, well," Negan smiles as Violet slowly enters the room, "if it isn't Vi Owens. Damn Vi," he begins again, "you're just stirring yourself a pot of shit lately, huh?" Violet is quiet as she glances over at him, starting at his boots up to the dark hair on his head. She examines the dry hair on his face and the darkness in his eyes. She watches as the veins in his arms bulge as he clutches onto the edge of the cabinet he stands in front of. The tightness of his jeans is the next thing that she notices as he sways his hips slightly.

"Tell me," he smiles as he arrogantly cocks his head to the side, "what kind of shit have you gotten into now?" Violet glances over at the guy that she stands next to, then back to Negan before clearing her throat. "I uh-" she begins, "I broke the bookshelf in my room." The smile on Negan's face slowly fades away as he kicks himself off from the cabinet, meeting her at the edge of his room.

"That is damaged property, Vi," he says callously, "my damaged property, at that. I mean, shit, I give you a room and you start breaking my shit? That's seriously not cool...." Violet watches him, her eyes on his lips. "I'm sorry," she whispers, "it was an accident." Negan narrows his eyes on hers as he looks to the man beside her, then back to Violet. "Damn," he smiles, "you are out of control, woman! I mean, breaking bookshelves one day, breaking necks the next!"

"I can repay you," Violet says simply, her tone even. Negan's smile widens as he narrows his eyes in on her and then back out. He licks his bottom lip as he adjusts his stance in front of her. "Well," he smiles devilishly, "I like a good payment. What were you thinking? Cleaning the entire community's dishes by hand tomorrow, one-by-one. Or maybe, maybe cleaning all of the bathrooms with only a toothbrush? That could be fun to watch."

A dark smile spreads across Violet's lips as she tilts her head to the left, her eyes scanning his chest, then his face. "Actually," she whispers carefully, "I was thinking something else. Something more....scandalous." Negan's breath nearly freezes in thin air as he keeps his dark eyes on hers. "Jesus," he smiles quickly, "if this is a joke, that shit isn't funny!"

"It's not a joke," she confirms, her voice coming out as smooth as ice. Negan bites his bottom lip as he takes a step back. "Huh," he mutters through a dangerous smile, "well, only if you're saying yes sweetheart. I can't deny a face like yours." Violet slowly takes a step towards him, gliding her palm up his chest. "This is me," she whispers to him deliberately, "saying yes."

Another bright smile spreads across his face as he wraps both hands around her small waist, gripping it tightly. "Hey Marcus," Negan says coldly as he keeps his eyes directly on hers, "get the fuck out." They feel Marcus' presence fall from theirs as he walks through the door frame, preparing to shut the door behind him. "And Marcus," Negan says again, looking up towards Marcus with a villainous smile, "lock the fucking door."

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