Ch. 13

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"Not all monsters are filled with darkness."

Violet's heavy boots splash against the muddy ground beneath her as she walks towards the tall truck. Negan barks orders to his men as he walks behind her, keeping Lucille on his shoulder so that she doesn't get muddy. Violet swings the heavy truck door open, the peeling paint feeling rough against her fingers as she slides into the passenger seat of the truck. Quickly, Negan slides in beside her, placing Lucille between the two of them.

Violet's eyes carefully scan the barbed wire covered bat as a mix of bright and dark red blood stains are splattered across the wooden surface. Violet looks up to Negan who keeps his dark, focused eyes on the road in front of him as he navigates his way out from the community. Violet looks back down at Lucille as she thinks of the people that have been killed with her. She thinks of Daryl's friends, Glenn and Abraham. She imagines their faces. How afraid they were when they died.

She feels a surge pour through her as she reaches her fingers out towards Lucille. Slowly, she runs her cold hands across the smooth wooden surface of the handle as she glides her fingers up the bat towards the barbed wire end. She's slow as she approaches the barbed wire as she's afraid of nicking her fingers with the sharp metal. She gently swipes her fingers against the twisted metal as she picks at it with her fingertips. The surge that swept through her suddenly disappears as she remembers that the blood of many are stained on the twisted metal.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Negan says harshly as he glares over at her. Violet quickly removes her fingers from the bat as she pushes them onto her own thighs. "I-" she begins, "I- I don't know. I just, I wanted to touch her." Violet's throat nearly closes in fear as she watches Negan's heated eyes fire over at her, his eyes dark and cruel. She breathes in carefully as she stares back at him.

He looks back to the road before saying anything again to her. The road is empty and cold. The rain from the week has disappeared but it's left a lingering chill. The kind of chill that moves through your soul. Violet turns her eyes to the road also as a half a dozen trucks follow behind them, their headlights blaring hot. Violet glances into the side mirror as she watches the trucks. After driving for about half an hour and no more words being exchanged, Negan pulls off to the side of a road, in front of a large, covered gate.

His men parks their trucks behind his as they all hastily hop out of their trucks, guns spread across their chests and heavy in their hands. Negan is quiet as he glares back over at Violet once more before wrapping Lucille in his hand and exiting the truck. His feet are heavy across the pavement as he walks to the edge of the truck, his right hand man, Simon, meeting at a space beside him. "Simon," Negan says with a firm voice, "Go ahead and get in there with them. Tell Rick I'll be in to speak to him shortly."

Simon nods once, snapping his fingers in the air to alert the men and women standing behind them. Simon approaches the tall gate before slamming the butt of his gun against the gate, to alert whoever was on the other side that they were there. But more specifically, that Negan was there and he was there to collect. Unsure of what to do, Violet begins to follow the crew towards the gate. Before she can get any further, Negan wraps his hand around her arm roughly as he tugs her towards him.

His eyes are dark and focused on her as his breathing is hot and heavy. Violet is quiet as she stares into his chest, as she's afraid to meet his eyes. Slowly, she glances up at him. Her eyes full of regret. She didn't mean to offend him by touching Lucille.

"I'm sorry," she mutters quietly, tears nearly coming to her eyes as she says the two words. Negan slightly loosens his grip on her arm as he continues to glare down at her. His breathing stills a little as he takes a gulp of his own saliva. "Her name was Lucille," he says quietly, his eyes still dark and focused, "she was my wife."

Violet furrows her eyebrows as she listens to him. What was he talking about? How could a baseball bat be his wife?  As she thinks of his words, she realizes what he meant. "Oh," she whispers as she glances up at him, "Negan, I-...."

"No," he says firmly as he shakes his head, "don't say you're sorry. I'm tired of hearing that shit." He lets go of her arm as he takes a step back away from her. He removes Lucille from his shoulder as she places her tip against the pavement under him. He turns back to look at his men and women entering the space behind Simon.

The gate is shut behind them as Violet and Negan are left outside of the gate, alone. Violet sucks in her cheeks slightly as she looks down at the damp pavement beneath her feet. She scuffs her boots against the pavement gently as she glances back up towards Negan. She's unsure of what to say next. Normally someone says that they're sorry when they've heard of someone's loved one passing away. Socially, she was unsure of what would be next to say.

"Well," she shrugs, "then I'm not sorry then." Negan looks her up and down slowly before leaning against Lucille. "It wasn't the apocalypse that got her," he explains, "it was the fuckin' cancer. It stole the life right out of her." He shifts again uncomfortably as he looks down at the ground under him.

"I was such a dick to her," he says, his voice serious, "I treated her like shit and slept around with other sluts. Girls that meant nothing to me." He's quiet as he remembers back. "But Lucille," he begins again, "she was everything to me. But, I didn't realize that until she was halfway to the grave."

If Violet didn't know better, she would think that tears would be next. But she knew Negan better than he believed. He won't cry. He just can't do it. He's so emotionally gone that it's almost as if all the tears left in his body have been drained.

"And that...." he says as he looks back up, "that was the biggest mistake of my fucked up life, Violet. See? I told you...." He lifts his weight off of Lucille as he inches back towards Violet, a smile creeping across his devilishly handsome face. "We all have tragic fuckin' stories," he says.

Violet's quiet as she considers what to say next. She can choose a million things to respond with but she wants to know one thing more than anything. "What was she like?" She asks, her voice low. Negan's smile slowly dissipates as he stares back at her. He clears his throat as he presses his dry lips together.

"Uh," he says with a brief smile, "she could be harsh. Cruel. But damn, she was beautiful. She was the best part of me. And that's why I died when she did." Violet watches an emotionless smile appear back on his face as his eyes light up slightly.

"Wow," Violet says faintly, "for a corpse, you're pretty damn handsome." Negan's smile appears again as he pulls Violet's shirt loosely towards him, Violet's chest colliding against his. He places his forehead against hers as his eyes look into hers softly. "I'm not going to admit that I care about you," he says firmly, "because if I did....that would make me weak."

Violet presses her lips together as she slides her forehead against his as she closes her eyes. "Well," she says with her eyes closed, "then I'll be weak for the both of us." She can hear Negan muffle a smile as he presses his lips against her forehead, keeping his hand against the back of her head to keep her close to him. "Fine," Negan whispers, "that's a fuckin' deal...."

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Hello all! Hope you're enjoying my story! I hit 200 reads which I know isn't a lot but for me, it's everything. I'm trying my best to keep my Negan closely paralleled with the Negan from the comics and television series so I hope I'm doing a decent job. I'm also trying my best to stay lined up with the storyline from the show so this doesn't fall too far from the universe that we love so much that's known as The Walking Dead. If you're enjoying this book, please vote and comment. Every vote. Every comment. They mean so so much to me. Thank you so much for giving this story a chance! xx Sarah

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