Ch. 14

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"Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters."

As the gate glides open, Negan and Violet step into the picture perfect town. Violet scans her eyes around the beautiful houses and their freshly manicured lawns. She furrows her eyebrows as she glances over at Negan who wears a wide grin across his face. "What is this place?" Violet asks, her voice confused. How could something so perfect exist in the middle of the shit storm that they were all in?

Negan swings his head over to look at her before he points his finger in a stranger's direction. "You," he demands, "what the fuck is this place called again?" The man stands still as he watched Negan carefully. "Uh," the man mutters, "Alexandria." Negan nods with his wide grin as he looks to Violet.

"Alexandria," he coos as he smiles at Violet. Violet raises an eyebrow as she shrugs slightly, her feet crunching against the pavement below her. She crosses her arms as she continues to inspect the exterior of the rows of homes. This must have been a rich people neighborhood. Almost like the one that she used to live in when she lived with Connie and Brandon.

"Where the fuck is Rick?" Negan shouts towards the group of people that have gathered around them. A man dressed like a priest speaks up. "Rick isn't here," the man says calmly, "he went out on a run, to gather stuff for you and your people." Negan's eyes narrow on the man as he swings Lucille up onto his shoulder.

"Is that so?" Negan asks as his eyes stay narrowed in on the priest. The priest folds his hands in front of him as he nods slowly. "Yes sir," the man nods, "he should be back soon though. Maybe tomorrow." Negan takes in the information as he keeps his eyes firmly on the man. "Okay," he says, smiling slightly, "we'll wait."

Negan's answer seems to take the group by surprise as they all look to one another for a response. "What the fuck are you all waiting for!?" Negan shouts as he looks around the group. "We're your guests and you should treat us like your guests!" The priest steps up slowly as he nods his head. "Yes, of course," he smiles, "we'll make sure that you're well set-up."

Negan nods along with a smile as he places his hand on the priest's shoulder. "Thank you," Negan smiles, "uh, what's your name again?" The man nods as he responds with, "Father Gabriel." A slight laugh stems from Negan as he continues to keep his palm on the man's shoulder. "Father Gabriel," Negan laughs, "shit, you scared me the last time that I was here."

Gabriel smiles at Negan as he nods his head along with his. "Yes," Negan smiles, "that was me. I apologize about that." Negan shakes his head as his bright white teeth are exposed to the group. "No," Negan smiles, "don't apologize. That shit was funny! Now, show me to Rick's home...."

Father Gabriel seems to be put off as he tilts his head slightly. "Rick's house?" He questions. Negan's face grows serious as he removes his hand from Gabriel's shoulder. "Yes," Negan growls, "did I not make that fucking clear?" Father Gabriel shakes his head as he puts his hands up in defense.

"No," Gabriel pleas, "I mean, yes, of course." Father Gabriel slowly turns on his feet as he leads Negan into the row of homes before them. Negan motions for Violet to follow them as she does. Father Gabriel stops in front of one home in particular as he slowly treads up the steep wooden steps, the wood creaking beneath his feet.

"So," Negan says behind him, "this is Rick's humble abode, huh?" Another smile spreads across Negan's face as he stares up at the house in awe. Slowly, he follows Father Gabriel up the stairs, Violet beside him. Gabriel knocks on the door and a few seconds later, a woman opens it. She wears her dark hair in a ponytail and has glasses spread across the bridge of her nose.

"Olivia," Father Gabriel announces, "we have guests. I know that you will show them great hospitality, right?" Olivia, the woman behind the door, nods nervously as she opens the door more to allow them in. "Why thank you Olivia," Negan teases as he taps his fingertip against her nose.

"I'm supposed to be watching over Judith," Olivia explains to Father Gabriel as Gabriel enters the home after Negan and Violet. "Judith?" Negan asks as he stops in his tracks, turning to look towards Olivia. "Do you guys have a prisoner or something here?" Olivia quickly shakes her head as she watches Negan's eyes darken.

"No, no," she mutters with a shake of her head, "she's not a prisoner. She's a-um, a...." She stops as she almost looks to Gabriel as if for approval. "Well, what the fuck is she Olivia?" Negan asks as he grows irritated, "is she a prisoner? A fucking dog?"

Before Olivia can say a word, a loud cry comes from the second floor of the home. A cry of a young child. Everyone's eyes turn to the second floor as Negan slides his tongue across his teeth. Without saying a word, he begins walking up the stairs with Violet quick in tow. The home is bright and well furnished. Instead of smelling like dust and mold, it smells like fresh air and lemon cleaner.

It's a much different setting that Violet had been used to for the past few years. She also noticed that there was fresh fruit sitting in a basket in the kitchen, the granite countertops gleaming. The clean kitchen must be why the home smells of the lemon cleaner, the same smell stuck in Violet's nostrils. They pass a few closed doors before they approach the door where the child's cry is coming from.

Negan turns to look at Violet before slowly opening the door, revealing a toddler in a crib. "Well, well, well...." Negan says as he enters the child's bedroom, "look at this." He hands Lucille over to Violet as he approaches the crib, reaching his arms out for the child. "This here must be Judith," he smiles as he wraps the little girl in his arms.

The cries from the girl stop as she buries her head into Negan's chest. Negan's eyes open wide as the brightest smile stems from him. He smiles at Violet as he rocks the girl gently in his arms. Olivia and Father Gabriel stand in the doorway as they nervously watch Negan with the child. Violet can't hide the smile that spreads across her own face as she glides her palm up the little girl's back.

"Hi sweet girl," she whispers to the child as the child smiles at her. "Now this shit," Negan smiles, "this shit is great. Gold, really. Olivia, sweetheart, will you make us some lemonade? I saw a nice porch out front and I can't wait to sit on it and take in this beautiful day." Olivia nods along with Negan's orders as she turns to head down the stairs. "Come on, Vi," Negan nods towards the bedroom door where Father Gabriel stands, "let's go play house."

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