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I didn't sleep well last night, and it doesn't help that I have classes first thing in the morning. Waking up at 7 am is not fun, especially when you're not a morning person. I prefer my body to wake up on its own accord, which during the weekends is around 12.30pm, just in time for lunch. I  stepped out of my warm covers and onto the cold wooden floors. The lingering warmth from my bed covers was sucked away from me as I walked towards the bathroom like a zombie crawling out of a grave. 

I wish I could skip my classes and spend the day watching movies on the couch. But sadly all my classes were compulsory. Being a nursing student is far from being easy. During days of clinical placements, I usually have to be up before the moon swaps it's shift with the sun and the stars wink goodbye.

1 more week. I've just got to get through one more week before I finish this degree. 

Despite all the layers I'd worn under my jumper, I was still close to freezing.  I miss the green leaves on the trees and the happy songs of birds. During winter all you see is trees bare of leaves and flowers, and birds huddled together in their nests to keep warm from the icy cold winds. At least I only have one class today. I'll be back in my warm bed before I even know it.


After one hour of travelling on a crowded bus, I was glad to be inside the heated nursing labs. These labs looked exactly like a hospital ward, all furnished with beds, oxygen and suctioning outlets, and all the little equipment needed to run a hospital ward.

"Morning Lyrae" sang Emilia's sweet voice. I was always glad to see Emilia and her sweet smile. We met on our first day of nursing school, both of us wide-eyed first-year students who were nervous to the bone. We had no idea how hard nursing school was going to be, but we stuck together, and helped each other out, trying to get through each week, each semester and each year. I will miss her when she moves back to her home in France. I'll miss her smiling face, her hazel eyes and black hair that only reaches her shoulders.

" Argh you won't believe what happened this morning" She started after giving me a quick hug. "Remember creepy library guy who's been following me around the library? Yeah well, he asked me out today when I was printing off my notes. I mean he's cute and all, but the stalking is a bit creepy so I don't know how I feel about going on a date with him. Anyways I just told him that I was late for class and ran off. Was that mean? I don't know, maybe I'm overthinking it. Argh I always feel so guilty saying no. Also, I'm pretty sure I left without printing half of my notes. Can I borrow yours?" Emilia rattled on without bothering to take a breath between sentences. It astonishes me how she can speak so fast, especially when English wasn't even her first language. 

"Wow Em you need to slow down. And no, you shouldn't feel guilty about saying no. Maybe just phrase it nicely the next time you see him" I suggested

"But how do I phrase it nicely? Like oh hey there, I'm sorry but I don't want to go out with you because I think you're a creepy stalker" She said, blowing away a stray strand of hair that had fallen onto her face. 

"You know what I mean. Maybe this guy really likes you. Maybe he's not that creepy. Plus you said that he's cute right? Maybe you should get to know him a little bit and then decide for yourself"  

"I don't even know if I should trust your advice since it's all based on rom coms. When are you going to find a prince charming for yourself Lyrae? You can't be single for your whole life" Emilia teased me with a smile gracing her face. I just rolled my eyes at her and didn't bother replying as the class on how to read ECG's was about to start. 

The two hours went slower than a snail, as we were given ECG after ECG to interpret. My brain was drained of all energy, leaving me even more confused about ECG's at the end of the class. 

I gave Emilia a hug before going to my own bus stop. 

"Wish me luck with library guy. I wish my life was as simple as yours" She added as she waved goodbye and crossed the road towards her bus.

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