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I woke up the next day feeling tired despite my uninterrupted sleep. No shadows came to visit me, and boy was I glad. I don't think I would have been able to handle another one of those shadow dreams.

I was supposed to look for answers today. But where do I start? I'm pretty sure typing 'what does scary shadow dreams mean?' into Google would help much. I know this because I actually googled it, and the only thing that popped up were pictures of dementors from Harry Potter. With a sigh, I decided that the shadows can wait.

I did my usual morning routine. Woke up, crawled out of bed, though brushing my teeth was a struggle since my eyes were so heavy with sleep. I tied my long hair into a bun and decided to wear a light pink knitted jumper with a mickey mouse love heart on it, paired with black leggings and very warm and soft light pink socks. I was nice and warm in this outfit. I washed the piled up dishes in the sink, mostly consisting of a million empty mugs from all the tea I drank. I looked out the window that was in front of the kitchen sink while I soaked the dishes in soapy water. It looked like another miserable winter day outside. Grey clouds heavy with rain filled the sky. Not a patch of blue sky to be seen. Even the sun was hidden behind those heavy clouds.

The window gave me a good view of the sleepy forest that lay ahead. The tree tops swayed in the wind, dancing to the winds command. The distant trees were covered in thick fog. I bet that even the trees can't stand this unending winter cold. 

I caught sight of a slight glimmer in one of the tree tops. Like a piece of metal catching a ray of sunlight. As soon as I saw it, it had vanished. It was probably a bird carrying some shiny piece of metal it found in someone's backyard. After cleaning the dishes I set my books and laptop on the wooden table near the kitchen. I liked doing my assignments here because directly in front of the table was a large window allowing me to enjoy the forest view while I studied. I got started on my assignment, wanting to finish and submit it today, so that I can start my well deserved winter break.

5 hours later, at 4.30pm, I finally submitted by assignment. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding, all the stress of this semester released in that one breath. And now my freedom began. No studying or assignments or clinical placements. Months off to do whatever I wanted. I looked out towards the forest. There it was again, light hitting metal. It was gone as soon as I saw it. Just like before. That bird must have found one hell of a stack of shiny little things.

Getting up from that chair and stretching my arms and legs was a glorious feeling.  I closed all the curtains in the house as darkness was nearing to claim the night. I made myself a cup of tea and found myself walking towards the room that also overlooked the forest. The room I haven't dared to visit in 6 months. 

My feet were moving at their own free will until I neared my grandmothers working room. 

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