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"What were you thinking" Quin hissed at me. I was panting with hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. Quin was shaking. He was actually shaking from rage.

"How stupid can you get? why would you do that? You could have been killed Lyrae. Do you understand? You could have been killed if I didn't get there on time" Quin was shaking my shoulders as if he was trying to shake some sense into me.

"For heaven's sake Lyrae why bother saving you and keeping you safe when you were planning on getting killed all this time? Do you want to go back home? Fine, go for all I care. I don't know why there was a shadow following you around, but I can guarantee that there would be more of those at your house, trying to figure out where you went and why one of their shadow friends are dead. Still want to go home? be my guest. Just don't expect me to come save you this time" Quin walked away and sat on the boulder trying to get his range under control.

Khillian stood behind the boulder and let out a low whistle. "I knew you were a stupid little worm but I didn't know you were this stupid. I can't believe I used my last painite arrow to save your ass"

Quins head snapped towards khillian. "And where were you when she sneaked away? weren't you supposed to be on watch?" his hands gripping the boulder were going white under pressure.

Khillian scratched his head. " You do realise that I need to empty my bladder once in a while. As far as I know, no one has made a spell to stop the production of urine".

"You should have woken me up Khillian. I would have taken over watch" Quin was still gripping the boulder, but this time with a little less pressure. He let out a huff of breath as if releasing the last bit of rage he was holding onto.

"She was sleeping for heaven's sake. We should have just let the shadow kill her. We need to start moving before something else decides to stop by and wave hello" Khillian stuffed his belongings back into the leather bag.

"We should just portal back. Walking around in the forest at night is unsafe" Khillian suggested as he secured his sack onto his back.

I felt like I was watching a movie scene unfold before my eyes as I stood unnoticed by the people around me. Quin secured his own sack to his back and glanced my way. That single glance made me apart of this movie scene whether I wanted to join in or not. It was too late to turn back now.

A rewind button didn't exist in this movie

Quin spoke to Khillian while fixing his gaze on me. "I suppose we'll have to. I'm not sure how well Lyrae would do though"

"For goodness sake Quin, if the girl survived seeing a shadow then she can survive going through a portal"

It was Khillians eyes that were on my face this time as he said "We'll be taking you through a portal. It's like a mirror we're going to step through to get home faster. We didn't want to portal you in but thanks to you plans have changed. You might feel a bit light headed when you come out the other side. I suggest you close your eyes, it makes the jumping between two places a bit easier". He looked at Quin "you ready to open it up?"

Wait. Open what up? walking through portals? going home? wait what is happening. I was dumbfounded as I watched this movie unfold. There was no pausing this movie. My feet felt rooted to the forest floor as if I was a tree and my feet had sprouted roots planting me to this spot. I watched as Quin walked to a tree and traced strange symbols on its bark using his index finger as a pen. Just like grandmas mirror a rippling mirror appeared on the tree trunk with Quins glowing symbols acting as its frame.

I'm pretty sure my jaw was dragging on the flow by this point. I didn't even register as Khillian grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the mirror. "Close your eyes. Trust me you'll feel better" and he pulled me with him as we stepped into the rippling mirror.

I felt like I was being spun around a washing machine blindfolded while free falling off the empire state building. I didn't know where I was falling and in what direction I was falling. All I felt was empty space around me with nothing to grab onto. It felt like I was in an endless vortex where time stood still and you fell and fell until you have no sense of what is happening. My stomach contents felt like they were being whisked like an egg yolk in a bowl.

That strange sensation ceased as a tumbled out onto a hard wood floor. I felt like I had been spat out of a high-speed centrifuge. I was clueless as to how Khillian managed to gracefully walk out of that vortex followed by Quin behind him. They walked through the rippling mirror as if they were out on a stroll on a warm summer day. Meanwhile, I lay sprawled on the floor with my limbs in a tangled mess. My stomach felt like it had gone on a roller coaster ride and the room was spinning at high speed as I willed my eyes to stay open. I felt all of my stomach juices making its way up my throat. I felt that final squeeze of my stomach as everything inside me came gushing out of my mouth. Again and again, my stomach squeezed making me empty its contents until there was nothing left except for the sounds of dry retching.

"I guess closing your eyes didn't help". I looked up and caught Quin elbow Khillian on his side. They were both towering over me watching me heave my guts out.

"Yikes, let's get you cleaned up shall we?" I felt a feature soft touch on my back before I heard the honey sweet voice.

I tried to use my elbows to boost myself up. But all I remember is the room doing one final pirouette before the curtains fell and I plunged into darkness. 

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