Chapter 14

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Victoria's p.o.v

I sat on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Tomorrow, we would be heading overseas to start the UK tour, and I would be lying if I said wasn't nervous at all.

I was excited to leave the United States waters and see places overseas, but I was still scared. There was the flight itself, which I know will fuck me up due to my fear of heights, and there was my nightmares I also had to take care of. I haven't had any lately, but that didn't mean they were gone. It was like my mom loved seeing me suffer. Since she's dead, she decided to screw with my mind and hoped that I would break.

I sighed and glanced at the time on my phone, the brightness stinging my eyes. 10:45 p.m. I really should be sleeping, but I just can't.

"Vic, leave the girl alone. Let her sleep."

I froze at Tony's voice outside my door and shifted my body on my right side, cuddling with Taco. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. I hoped they didn't stay for long.

The door creaked open and I heard soft steps creeping towards. "Let me check on my baby, Tone," Dad replied. I felt him gently push my hair off my face and the bed slowly sinking. "Pumpkin? Are you sleeping?"

I made it look like I was actually sleeping, which he bought. I felt Dad kiss my forehead and brush my hair back.

"She really does look like you, Vic," Tony said.

Dad chuckled and flipped the hood of my Stitch hoodie over my head and made sure the blanket covered me well. I felt another kiss of my forehead and Tony's voice whispered, "Good night, baby turtle."

Their footsteps walked away from my bed and the door closed behind them. I opened my eyes and a smile graced over my lips. I looked over at the window and spotted the luminous full moon in the midnight blue sky. I sat up and slid out of my bed, walking over to the window as if I was I in a trance. I sat down on the window seat and pulled my legs close to me, just staring at the beautiful sight.

I just wanted to let it all go and relax. My fears. My insecurities. All the lies I absorbed about my biological father all those years. At the moment, I didn't worry about any of that. It was like it vanished as quickly as it came.

For now, it was just me and the moon.


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