Chapter 16

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Victoria's p.o.v

A week had passed since I came clean with Daddy about the nightmare and how I truly did feel about the the whole situation. It made it somewhat easier for us, since he now knows why I keep having these nightmares, or night terrors as they are really called. I felt bad because here I am trying to enjoy the tour, which was coming to an end, yet I can't because of this feat looming over my head and a giant weight on my shoulder just pushing me down.

I sat on the couch of the tour bus living area, my onesie on and my little pony blanket draped over my waist and just watch Nick's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the TV. Mike and Jaime walked out and smiled. "You're not dressed," Jaime stated. 

"Don't feel well. Go on without me," I said. a faint smile on my lips.

Mike walked over and sat next to me, his hand on my forehead. "You want us to go get your dad?" he asked. I shook my head and smiled bigger, even though I really wanted to frown in pain. "Just a little nauseated. I'll be fine. Promise," I assured him.

"Victoria, you haven't left the bus in a week. Are you sure you're fine-"

"Michael, I'm fine! Please, just leave me alone!" I snapped at him.

Not waiting for him to reply, I got up and walked to the back lounge in tears, taking Blink and my blanket. I closed the door behind me and stood there for a while. I heard the guys talk, then the bus door closed shut. I back away slowly and stumbled onto the couch, tears streaming down my sweaty face. What was wrong with me? Why am acting so... out of place?

I pulled my legs towards me and tucked them under my chin, rocking back and forth. The tears continued to produce faster and faster, slithering down my face. Was I going insane? Is that it? Is that the problem? Am I now mentally insane now? 

I looked at Blink and cradled him in my arms. I remembered the first time I got him. I was about three years old, when Mom was actually nice to me. She won it at a carnival while at a date and gave it me. I remember how she it was smiling at her and reminded her of the logo of Blink-182, so she gave it to me as a present. It was the last time I ever saw mom happy.

'This is your fault,'  Mom's voice hissed in my voice. 'It's your fault!'

"¡CÁLLATE! ¡CIERRE Y DÉJAME SOLO, PERCHA ALCOHÓLICA!  (Shut up! Shut up and leave me alone, you alcoholic bitch!)" I screamed. 

I ripped off Blink's head and proceeded to tear him apart, sobbing loudly. The fluff danced in the air and slowly fell to the ground. I stood up and ran to the living lounge, furiously opening drawers and digging through them. I pulled out a small knife and rolled up my sleeve. I quickly dragged the sharp blade across my wrist, the red blood blooming and trickling down my skin and dripping onto the floor.

"¿ERES FELIZ AHORA, MAMÁ? ¿ES ESTO LO QUE QUIERES? (Are you happy now, Mom? Is this what you want?)


I spun around and stared into Tony's eyes. "G-give me the knife," he stuttered, advancing towards me. I shook my head and held it close to my wrist. "Go away, Turtle. Leave me alone. I want to bleed out and die. Just leave me alone!" I screamed at him.

"Victoria, please. Give me the knife. Whatever you're going through, we can help you. Just let us in. Self-harm isn't worth it," he pleaded.

I stared at him, my hot tears spilling down my face. "She won't leave me alone, Tony. Everywhere I go, she's there. I don't know what to do anymore. She's out to kill me and I'm scared!" I wailed.

Tony slowly walked towards and pried the knife out of my hand and hugged me tightly. "I'm going crazy. I'm losing my mind," I cried hysterically. "I don't know what to do anymore, Tony."

Tony brushed my hair off my face and rinsed the blood off my wrist, soothing me as the cold water burned on my fresh cuts. "Tony, I want to die," I said. Tony turned off the water and frowned at me, sadness in his brown eyes. 

"You don't mean that, Victoria. You're just on an emotional turmoil of a ride," he replied. He picked me up and sat me down on the counter, kissing my cheek. We heard the bus door opened and saw Mike got in. He looked at me and then at Tony, confused. 

"Am I interrupting something?" he asked.

Tony looked at me, to which I averted his gaze and at my fresh cuts. "Mike, can I talk to you outside for a minute?" Tony asked. Mike nodded and left. "I'll be right back. Don't even think about it. I will tell your father."

"Please don't," I begged.

Tony shook his head. "He has to know, kid. This is serious and you're tearing yourself apart. You need to get help." He put me down and walked off the bus, closing the door. I sat on the bus and sat on the couch, sobbing. How did things become so terrible so quickly?

Mike's p.o.v

I leaned against the bus and nodded at Tony, who got off the bus. "Tone, please tell me those weren't cuts on my niece's wrists," I pleaded. Tony gave me a sad look, confirming it for me. I sighed and banged my head on the bus. The fans don't really know this, but part of the reason Vic turned to self harming was because of  both bullying and because of Cara. After Victoria was born, they got into fights and Vic would just get so frustrated and angry, he would hurt himself. The last thing I wanted was to see my niece go through the same thing her dad went through.

"I've been thinking, with all these nightmares Victoria keeps having, and the fact that she's keeping away from us and all that, there's a strong possibility that she was PTSD," Tony said. "I wanted to tell you because you're her uncle and I don't want to see her in pain."

I sighed. "Does Vic know?" I asked him. He shook his head at me and stood next to me. "I'm not too sure, but the tour ends in two weeks. We go back to San Diego, get settled and take Victoria to a therapist. I'm not completely sure, but I can guarantee it."

I nodded and took off my hat. Vic walked over with a giant Minnie Mouse plush and a McDonald's bag in hand. "Have you gave seen Victoria? A fan got her this as a present and I want to give it to her," he said, gesturing to the plush toy. I looked at Tony and walked over to him.

"Vic. There's something we need to talk about. It's about Victoria."


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