Chapter 20

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Jaime's p.o.v

I leaned against the wall and stared at Victoria, who sleeping peacefully.  I smiled at Victoria, who fell asleep with her thumb in her mouth. Jessica kissed her forehead and looked at me. "I think she's asleep," she whispered. I sat on the bed and rubbed her hand, sighing. "You okay, Jaime?"

"She didn't deserve this," I muttered. "She's been through enough as it is. Victoria didn't need this to add to the injury."

Jessica rubbed my thigh and took my hand. "She'll be okay, Jaime. She's in safe hands now," Jessica assured me. I gave her a look of doubt and raised my eyebrows. "Is she? Is she really safe with us? I mean, she was falling apart and we didn't do anything to help her. We kept saying that everything was going to be okay, but look how it all came out. The doctor said that it was a miracle she woke up. She would have died with all the blood she lost. Who is to say that won't happen again?"

"Jaime," Jessica sighed. She cupped my cheek and pressed my forehead against mine, wiping away the tears I didn't even know were there. "It's frightening, to hear about someone you love and care about end up getting hurt and winding up in the hospital. I can't even imagine how hard it's hurting you. And nothing I can say will make you feel better, but what I can say is that you shouldn't give up. You always have to be there for her. This must be a hard time for her, but she'll open to you sooner or later. Don't give up."

I looked at her doubtfully, but nodded. "I'm gonna get some food. Want anything?" she asked, changing the topic. I shrugged and looked at Victoria. "Get me a Big Mac, please," I said. Jessica kissed my forehead and walked out, leaving me alone with sleeping beauty. I walked over to her and pushed a strand of her hair off her forehead. The door slowly pushed open and I smiled a bit. "That was fast, Jess. What'd you get?"

I turned around and stopped. It wasn't Jessica, but Vic stood at the doorway, holding balloons and a giant, and I do mean giant, teddy bear. His puffy red eyes were proof that he had been crying, and he looked like a someone just mugged him and he just walked the rest of the way here. He looked terrible.

"How is she?" He asked me, his voice croaked.

"She's living. She got lucky. Doctors thought she wouldn't make it since she lost so much blood," I told him.

Vic walked in and placed the bear on her bed  and sat himself down on the empty chair. "I really fucked up, did I?" he mumbled. "This is my fault. All of it. I shouldn't have been so hard on her. She wouldn't be in a hospital. She'd be in bed. How could I be such a terrible father to my own child?"

"Vic, come on. Most of it is your fault, but we all take the blame. We should have cared for her better. Don't beat yourself up entirely," I said.

Vic looked at me and down at Victoria. "Doctor's said she'll pull through. She does need to be on suicide watch and she needs to eat more with her anorexia and everything," I told him. Vic looked at me, the sadness in his eyes just swimming around. "Anorexia?" he asked.

"Vic, she's 33 pounds. A girl her height should be at least 80 pounds," I said.

He sighed and took Victoria's hand, kissing her fingers individually. "I'm a terrible father," he groaned. I felt bad for Vic. He made it really obvious that he cares for Victoria, and then this happens. "I'm sorry, mija. Daddy loves you very much. Don't ever forget that." 

Victoria started thrashing and began hyperventilating, her heart monitor beeping rapidly and loudly. "I think she's having a panic attack," Vic said, brushing her hair off her now damp hair. "Victoria, it's okay. Nothing is going to hurt you. I'm here. Listen to me."

Vic's soothing voice didn't work. It was like it made things worse. I walked over and rubbed her shoulder. "Baby Fuentes, can you hear us? It's okay. Nothing is going to hurt you," I said. Victoria ignored us and continued freaking out, tears rapidly sliding down her face. "No, please. Stay away from me," I heard her mutter. "No, stay away from me! Get away from me, mom!"

"Victoria, it's okay. we're with you," Vic said. "It's just me and Jaime-"

Vic couldn't get his sentence over with before Victoria sat up and let out a loud, high pitched scream, her complexion now extremely pale. A doctor and a nurse rushed in, pushing us out. "I apologize, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave," the nurse said.

"Why? I want to be with my daughter! She's having a panic attack," Vic argued.

"Visiting hours are over. Now leave before I call security," she snapped.

"What crawled up your vagina and died?" I retorted.

The nurse glared at us and walked back in Victoria's room, closing the door behind her. Everyone who was still lingering in the corridor stopped and looked at our direction, intrigued. "Vic, let's go. There's nothing we can do now. We'll see her tomorrow," I said.


I looked up and saw Jessica walk over to us with McDonald's bags in hand. "I am so sorry I took so long. There was a huge traffic, and it took forever to get back," she said. She looked through the window and watched Victoria thrash herself around beneath the doctor's and the nurse's grip, screaming bloody murder.  "What happened while I was gone?"

Neither of us answered. Vic's forehead was pressed against the wall, tears glistening in his eyes. He punched the wall, and actually made a dent, and walked off. I mean, Mike told me that Vic had been in a couple of fights back in high school, but I thought Vic was just bluffing. "Vic! You can't do that! You know they charge you, right?" I yelled at him.

He ignored me and walked away. "Jaime, what's going on?" Jessica asked. "Why is Victoria screaming?" I sighed. This was going to be a long night.

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