Chapter Three

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By the time I had gotten to Marks all of the tears had dried. I walked out of the car and to the front door. I knocked soft at first but got louder as I went. The door opened and I was greeted with Jacks smiling face. When he saw my face, his smile turned into a frown.
"Alex what happened?"
"I....I don't know...can I stay here for a bit?" He nodded pulling me into a hug. Tears poured down my face getting Jack's shirt wet.
"Come on inside." Jack lead me inside to wear I could smell food.
"Jack who was at---Alex what's wrong?" Mark walked over taking me out of Jack's arms and into a hug. "Jack can you take her to the guest room?"


"I'm a screw up. A. Big. Fucking screw up." I fell back on to the bed, which was cold without Alex. I stood up and looked out the window, I could barely see Alex's head lights. I walked over and picked up the note that was on the floor. I read it over and over, trying to remember where I went last night. Then I remembered a bar, the bartenders nickname was Lucy, her real name was Lucinda. I sighed and grabbed my phone. I put in her phone number and called her. It rang a few times then a female voice came through.

Is this Lucinda?
Yes....Who's asking?
It's Austin...
Oh. Your the cute guy from the bar....
Ya, I'll give you my address if you'll come.
Definitely I'll be over in an hour.

With that she hung up.

Till Our Days End (Sequel To 'I Cant Love')Where stories live. Discover now