Chapter 2

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It is Monday-morning and Stiles walks into the classroom. He has been trying to forget what happened last Saturday and that worked out quite well. It's not like he had a chance, he thinks. When he takes his seat next to Derek, the boy mentions that he saw Stiles at Starbucks last Saturday. Thanks for remembering me, Stiles thinks although he's surprised that Derek had noticed him. He is glad the teacher tells them to stop talking so he doesn't have to get more sad.

As soon as the bell rings, Stiles starts packing his bag. "Before you go, I've got some homework for you." All the students sigh and give an angry look at the teacher as he goes on "You need to work on a history-project in groups of two." Stiles turns around to ask Scott to work together but Scott has already made a pair with Isaac. Before Stiles can think of someone else to work with, Derek asks if he wants to work together. And who is Stiles to say no to the cutest boy in school, excuse me, on earth. So he agrees with the plan and prepares himself for an akward time. Stiles puts his book in his bag and walks to his locker, he wants to go home as soon as possible now school is over. "I was wondering.." Stiles almost jumps in the air of suprise since he didn't know Derek was standing next to him."Im sorry, continue your story" "Alright, so I was wondering if we could hang out this afternoon. For school ofcourse." He quickly adds. Stiles is really happy that Derek took initiative to hang out but he has to help his dad at the sherrif station. "I would really like to spend time with you, I mean uuh, I would like to get done with this project but I need to do other things." Could this get anymore akward, Stiles thinks. "Oh, alright, that's fine." Stiles can see that Derek is a little dissapointed and he wonders why. He probably just wants to make friends in this new class.

After dinner Stiles gets a text. It's from Scott: "Movie night at Allison's. Be there at 7." Stiles smiles at his phone. Movie-nights are always a lot of fun. He and his friends just hang out, watch some Netflix and eat popcorn. A lot of popcorn. Before he goes he brushes his teeth and grabs a bag of chips to take with him. He arrives at 10 for 7, and kicks his shoes off. When he walks in the livingroom, he sees that Derek is sitting on the couch as well. He assumes Isaac brought him with him. He wants to take a seat next to Scott when Isaac walks out of the kitchen with a huge bowl of popcorn and a bottle of cola in his hands. "That place is taken" he says smirking while taking place next to Scott who puts his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders. Stiles looks around for another place, but the only spot that's free is next to Derek. He accepts his fate and drops his body on the couch. It can't be that akward, right?

They're watching a horror movie. Stiles hates horror movies! He always gets scared and wants to wrap his arms around everything close to him. And in this case, that's Derek. Great. Ofcourse he would love to, but he just can't do that, it would make things to akward.
It's going well, when things gets scary, Stiles just holds onto the bowl of popcorn. Now there's a calm part, Stiles dares to take one hand of the bowl to actually eat out of it. He puts his hand in the bowl exactly when Derek does. Their hands touch and Stiles pulls back. Can it get more cliché. Half an hour later, the bowl is empty. Stiles lets his hands rest on his legs and constantly tells himself in his mind not to do anything stupid when the jumpscares come. Apparently, Derek notices that. "Are you nervous?" the boy asks. "I'm just not really into scary movies" Stiles replies while laying his hand on the couch, between them. Derek takes his opportunity and links their hands together. Stiles is confused. Like really confused. But he also likes the contact so he just leaves their hands that way for the rest of the film.

"Well, I had a lot of fun, but I should call my dad to pick me up." Stiles says when he stands up. "Didn't you come by your jeep?" Scott asks. "No, Roscoe is at the garage." He doesn't mention the reason. They don't need to know he bumped into a pole when he drove home from Starbucks last saturday-morning. "I could bring you home, I always drive past it when I go home, it's on my route." Derek suggests. A lot of thoughts are going trough Stiles head. Mainly that he doesn't want to sit in the car with Derek now he held his hand. He doesn't want Derek to cheat on his boyfriend. But he is very surprised that Derek knows where he lives. He isn't a stalker. Right? "Yeah, sure!" Stiles responds. They step into Derek's Camaro and Derek starts the car. They have a little talk about the movie. This is not that bad, Stiles thinks. Until Derek puts his hand on Stiles his leg. Stiles tenses and coughs. "Oh, I am so sorry!" Derek says as he quickly pulls his hand back. "It's okay." Stiles says, trying to relax the other guy.

Luckily they didn't have to drive much further. As they get to his house, Stiles thanks Derek for the ride before he walks inside. "Hey Stiles" John says. "Hi Dad." "Wait, who brought you home? I thought the rest stayed at Allison's for the night." "Yeah, but Derek also went home, so he gave me a ride." "That's nice. But Derek? Isn't that the guy from saturday, that you were so upset over? Are you guys cool now?" "Yeah, he is very nice." Stiles doesn't feel like telling his dad about the hand holding thing so he just goes upstairs to fall on his bed, with a lot of thoughts. Soon, he's sleeping,

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