Chapter 5

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A/N So this drawing was supposed to be Tyler Hoechlin but I don't know if he really looks alike.. Not sure if I'm happy with the result but okay, lets go to the story

When his alarm rang this morning, Stiles smashed the snooze button and turned around. Why did I even set my alarm, it's Saturday he thought."It's Saturday!" When Stiles realised that today was the day he was going on a date with Derek he jumped out of his bed. He was extremely excited.

"Do you like this shirt?" Stiles turns around from the mirror to look at Lydia. He invited her over this morning since she is the fashion queen and could definitely help him with his outfit. "Yeah, it's cute, which trousers are you going to wear?" Stiles grins. If she would have complimented him on his shirt a few years ago he would have worn it every single day for the rest of the year. But he doesn't have that kind of feelings for her anymore. But he does have them for Derek. Definitely. "I was thinking about the grey ones, I like the way they fit me." "Yeah, they're nice, you should wear them." When Stiles realises it's almost time to go he rushes to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth for the third time that morning and sprays on his favorite perfume. He puts some gel in his hair and tells Lydia and his dad goodbye. When he steps into his car, he smiles happily. Today is going to be great.

Riiing. The front door gets opened and Stiles sees a girl standing in the doorway. She has long, dark hair and greenish eyes. She seems a few years younger as Derek, Stiles assumes it's Cora. "Hey, you must be Stiles! Uhm, Derek is almost ready, why don't you come in." "Sure!" Stiles steppes inside after the girl and walks to the livingroom. Derek's other sister, Laura is sitting on the sofa watching tv. "Hi, I'm Stiles" "Oh, hey Stiles" Laura turns around "oh, wow, Derek hasn't been telling lies! You look very handsome, Stiles. Now I get why he is always talking about you." Stiles blushes. "Stop it, Laura!" A huge smile grows on Stiles mouth as he hears Derek's voice. He turns around and- Omg. "You look so beautiful" Derek blushes. "Nothing compared to you" "Ah stop it, you guys are way to cute. Just go!" Laura waves them away to the door before she gives Derek a hug. As the boys walk to Stiles' jeep they wrap their arms around eachothers waists."Sooo, where do you want to go?"

Derek decided to first have lunch somewhere. The restaurant they went to, was very cute. It had a little bit of a fairytale theme, with small windows and cute flowers on the tables. The restaurant was placed at the edge of the forest. It was called 'Little red riding Hood', something what made Stiles smile. His mom used to read him that story when he was little. They took place at a small table for two next to a window. It wasn't very busy, only two other tables were taken. An old couple and a young mother with two children whose hands and mouths were sticky of the maplesyrup.
"What are you going to order, Der?" "I think I'll get some french toast. You?" "I'm in the mood for pancakes." "Oh, you should definitely choose them, they're really good" "Oh, okay, if you say so." Stiles takes Derek's hand. When the waitress comes to take their order she smiles. "Have you made your decision?" "Yeah, pancakes, french toast and two coffee please." The waitress nods as she writes it down and walks to the kitchen. A few minutes later she comes back with her hands full. "Thanks!" "You're welcome." When Stiles wants to take some of his coffee he sees a heart of foam is shaped in the hot drink. He smiles and makes a mental note to tip the waitress for that.

"Pfff, I'm stuffed. You were right about the pancakes tho, they were delicious." "Same for this french toast. This place is really good, our grandmother always took us here. She would feed us so many pancakes that we were full for days." Derek grins when he thinks about it. "She sounds amazing." Stiles says as he stands up before Derek does the same. They pay their bill and Stiles makes sure to add a few dollars for the waitress. When Stiles wants to step into the drivers seat of the car, Derek gently pushes him away. "I want to take you somewhere" Stiles nods and walks around the car to sit in the other chair. Derek drives the car out of the parking lot and goes deeper into the forest. "Where are we going?" "Shhhh, you'll see" Derek takes Stiles hand and draws some random patterns on it with his thumb. Stiles sighs happily. He wants to stay with Derek, forever. But he doesn't think Derek wants to do that. He will probably do this cheating thing till Boyd comes back from college. Now Stiles thinks about it, he is really doubting if Derek actually has a relationship with Boyd since Laura just told him that Derek is always talking about Stiles. He wouldn't tell his sister if he was cheating right? "We're there" Derek's voice wakes Stiles mind up and Stiles turns his head to see a beautiful lake with a big willow tree hanging over. "Wow, this place is amazing" "I know right? Laura and I had discovered it when we were playing in the forest when we were kids." Stiles presses a kiss against Derek's cheek. Derek pulls Stiles closer and Stiles rests his head on Derek's shoulder. They stay like that for a little time when Derek pulls away and takes Stiles' hand to tangle it with his own. "Come on" He pulls Stiles after him to the willow tree. "Here, this spot is comfortable." Derek takes place on a big root and leans against the trunk. Stiles takes place next to him, under Derek's shoulder and he lays the side of his head in the hollow of the other boy's neck.

They talk about this and that, a few tears are cried when talking about their family's but they laugh a lot. At the meantime, Stiles is braiding a flower crown of daisies. "So, it's finished, now you have to wear it." Derek looks at the crown. He doesn't really want to wear it but he does, for Stiles. "Oh my god, you look so cute, can I please take a picture." Stiles grabs his phone and when he turns around he sees Derek is frowning. "Hahaha, oh, jeez, smile Der" Stiles is laughing hysterically "You look so funny when you frown, and, the crown, it just finishes it, and, wow, please let me take a picture!" Derek tries to look irritated but he likes Stiles laugh way to much which makes him grin as well. "You. And the crown, it's just perfect!" "You're perfect" Derek says. Stiles blushes.
And suddenly they look eachother right in the eyes. But not for long, since they're closing now. Their faces come closer and then Stiles feels the soft lips of Derek brushing against his own. Derek kisses him and Stiles kisses back. Derek holds Stiles face and neck gently. But suddenly Stiles pulls back.

Derek lets his hands drop and looks at Stiles with wide eyes. "Sorry, but we can't do this" "Wait, what, what do you mean?" Derek's voice is shaky. Stiles looks at the ground. "What do you mean? Please explain it to me Stiles" Derek has to hold himself from crying. "What do you think I mean!" A tear rolls down Derek's cheek "You can't just cheat on Boyd!" "On Boyd? Boyd is my bestfriend Stiles! I'm not cheating on anybody!" Derek is getting angry, he's speaking very loudly, he's almost yelling. "I would never cheat on anybody, Stiles! But apparently, you don't think it's a big deal." "Ofcourse it is, why do you think I broke our first fucking kiss!" Stiles is crying as well now. "If you thought I was cheating you should already have said something at the handholding. At, at the kisses on the cheeks! How do I know if I can trust you? How do I know if you wouldn't cheat on me, since you don't fucking care about cheating!" "No, Derek, you, you can trust me, I swear!" "I need a break right now, Stiles, I need to think things through" Derek steps away from Stiles. "No, please come back Derek, I-I love you." Derek turns around at Stiles. "I'm sorry, Stiles, I want to think about all this, okay?" With that words he runs away, leaving Stiles crying at the tree.

"Laura, can you please pick me up?" "Derek why are you crying?" "Just come here okay" "Okay, just stay there, yeah?"

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