Chapter 3

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Stiles turns around with a groan and smacks the button of his alarm. He puts his sweater and jeans on and goes to the kitchen to find breakfast and a note from his dad: "Sorry that I couldn't eat breakfast with you, I have an early shift today. Happy birthday son!" Stiles smiles and grabs a few pancakes from the stack while checking his phone to see he has 3 messages. First he opens the one from Scott: "Happy birthday, asshole" it says. Stiles grins and opens Lydia's: "I've been waiting a year to say this again, happy birthday sweetheart xx Lyds" The one from Allison asks if he remembers last year's party. And he sure does. They threw a surprise party at his house and the next day, there was cake on the ceiling, a vase broke and there's still a wine spot on the carpet in the livingroom. Stiles smirks when he thinks about it and forgets that he is overflowing his pancakes with syrup. "Fuck" he yells before wiping away most of the mess. "Watch your language." He hears and he turns around to see Scott walking towards him to give him a hug. They stay like that for a while until Scott sees the plate of pancakes. "Nice, can I have some?" "Sure, there's plenty. We are out of syrup tho." Scott takes a big bite of his pancake. Mmwarh myouhw throwwinm a pwarty thiws ywear?" "I can't really understand you" Stiles grins. Scott swallows his pancake and asks again: "Are you throwing a party this year?" "Meh, don't think so, maybe a little celebration with you guys." Stiles takes a sip from his milk when Scott says something that almost makes him spit it out. "Will you invite Derek as well? You guys seem quite close." "Ehm, I guess, I mean he is really nice." "Just nice? Don't try to fool me Stiles, I know when my best friend is in love." Scott says while ruffling Stiles's hair. "We should go." Stiles says pointing at the clock. Scott laughs and they head to the frontdoor.

When he walks into the French class Derek stands up and walks towards Stiles."Happy birthday!" he says and he gives Stiles a hug. A hug! Stiles doesn't know how to react so he just awkwardly wraps his arm around Derek. The hug lasts a little to long and Stiles decides to just step out off it. He already misses the warmth of Derek's muscular body but pushes the thoughts of pulling the boy into another hug away. "How did you know it was my birthday?" Stiles asks curiously. "Uuh, I saw it on Facebook." "I don't have Facebook" Stiles grins. Derek awkwardly smiles. Stiles almost melts away, it's the cutest thing he's ever seen. Stop falling in love with him Stiles, he thinks. The boy is taken. "Could you please take your seats? We've got a lot to learn today. Did everyone read page 87?" Stiles sits down with a sigh. He hates French. He would like to go to Paris tho, maybe with Derek. Say 'Je t'aime' with the city beneath them, sitting in a hotelroom with a beautiful view out of their window. Stiles mind wanders off until suddenly the sharp voice of Mrs Morignon shouts at him. "Stilinksi, don't sleep in my class!" Stiles quickly shakes his head and looks at the notes he took. He was very tired yesterday night, he didn't have any concentration and he was almost sleeping while writing down the words. Then he notices something that makes him gasp. In the corner of the paper he sees: Derek <3. In Stiles's handwriting! He doesn't remember writing that, but he is the only one that writes the r that weird. He scratches over it with his pen until it isn't readable anymore. He looks around to see if people say it, luckily nobody did.

When school is finally over, Stiles heads home. He is planning to just spend the night with his friends. He already argued with his dad about the fact that he wanted to throw a big party at home. But John didn't allow him. "One vase down is enough, and my carpet is not supposed to get worse either." So Stiles figured he would just go to the club with the group of friends. Stiles was quite a good dancer, so the club would be fun.
When Stiles gets home, he texts Scott, Lydia, Allison and Isaac. He doubts if he should invite Derek too, but why not. The guy is a lot of fun and Stiles doesn't think Derek will go very far in the cheating thing. He wouldn't kiss Stiles, right? Stiles doesn't think it's right what his crush is doing, but he kinda gets it. Boyd is in college now, and maybe Derek just wants to have a distraction from that. Ofcourse, Stiles would like that kind of contact too, but he would rather try having a real relationship with Derek. But for now, Stiles will just have to do with the handholding

They meet at half past 8, in front of the club. When Stiles walks up to the group, which now contains Scott, Isaac and Derek, Stiles is wearing some comfortable trousers and a blue shirt that fits him well. Derek, well Derek looks stunning. The boy is wearing dark blue pants and a red shirt. His hair is well done and even his eyebrows are on point. "You look very good, Stiles, that v-neck suits you." Derek tells him. Stiles blushes and compliments him back. "It's quite cold outside, I hope Lydia and Allison are coming soon." Derek hesitantly snakes his arm around his waist and Stiles really enjoys the warmth. The fact that Derek has a boyfriend is still in his mind. But Boyd probably won't mind some cuddling or handholding. So Stiles embraces Derek as well. Scott raises an eyebrow at his friend but doesn't bother to mention.
After a few minutes, Allison and Lydia arrive and hug their friends. Now they can finally go inside. Derek lets go of Stiles, but Stiles immediately takes his hand. Derek turns around and Stiles thinks he will get angry. Ofcourse, that wouldn't make any sense since they just embraced each other. But instead, Derek gives him a smile.

The club isn't very full, nor very empty. There are a few people sitting at the bar, but most are on the dancefloor. Stiles heard there was going to be a DJ, so that was exciting. "Shall I buy some drinks for you guys?" Lydia suggests but Stiles shakes his head. "It's on my cost tonight, it's my birthday after all." After everyone had something to drink they head to the dancefloor. After some fast dancing, a slow song comes on. Allison and Lydia go to the bar and Isaac and Scott dance together, leaving Derek and Stiles together. "Sooo, how was your day?" Derek asks. "It was nice, my grandma came this afternoon. She always bring us cookies at christmas." "That's really sweet." Derek says, smiling. They stay in silence for a little time, till a new song comes on. "Hey, I know this song. Scott and I once made a dance on it at a sleepover. Oh wait, there he is! Scott, come here!" Stiles waves at the boy who was trying to find him. "Remember our dance?" "You bet your ass I do!" Scott grins. Dereks laughs loudly at the boys when they show their dance.

"We are going home now, it was great!" Isaac yells in Stiles ear with Scott at his side. Lydia and Allison already left, Lydia had an important test tomorow and Allison had an early curfew. "I guess we should go as well then." Stiles tells Derek who nods in agreement. "But there's one thing." Derek says. "I came here with Scott and Isaac, who left now." "No problem, I will take you home." When they go outside, it has gotten even colder. When Derek notices that Stiles is shivering, he pulls the boy closer. They walk to the jeep in silence, but it's not awkward. It is actually really nice.
They have been driving for a while when Derek starts about the project. "The due date is almost there, maybe we could hang out tomorrow to work on it." "That sounds fine to me. Do we actually already have a subject to write about?" Stiles mentions. "I was thinking about the Russian tsar Nicolas II. I always thought the Russian history was quite interesting. Like his son Alexi. He had hemophilia, same as my aunt had." Stiles knows which aunt Derek is talking about. It was one of the Hale's that died in the fire, a case his dad worked on at that time. When Stiles is looking next to him, he sees that a tear is rolling down Derek's cheek. "I'm sorry if I ruined the vibe." Derek says, wiping the tear away. "No, no it's okay. It's okay Derek." Stiles says and he takes his hand. They stay silent for the rest of the ride with Stiles running his thumb over Derek's hand.

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