Chapter 6

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Stiles cheeks are wet from the crying. It's been ten minutes and the tears finally stopped. How could he have been so stupid? He ruined it. And now he drove Derek away. Derek was right, he should have said something a long time ago. But now it's to late. Derek left him, here in the forest. Stiles stands up, brushes the dirt of his jeans and walks to his jeep. He steps inside and starts the car. When he drives past the restaurant he can't hold his tears back anymore. They keep rolling down his cheek. Stiles view gets blurry of the water in his eyes. Stiles is suddenly riding in the grass, his head is spinning. And then, everything goes black.

"So what happened Der?" Laura says as she drives the car out of the forest. "Don't call me Der. And I don't want to talk about it right now." Laura nods and lays her hand on his shoulder. Derek wants to shake it off, but he doesn't, Laura is just trying to help. Derek sighs. "Thank you Laura, for picking me up." "Ofcourse, I'd do everything for you and Cora, I love you guys" That's the point where Derek starts crying again. Stiles told Derek he loved him. He truly meant it, but Derek couldn't said it back. He was to confused, to angry. And now, he doesn't know what to do. Should he go back to Stiles? Did he react to fast? Was it right to leave? The sound of a siren wakes him from his thoughts. The sound of a siren?! "Laura turn around now!" Laura nods as she turns the car around to go in the direction of the ambulance.

"No! No! No, no, no!" Derek is shaking his head repeatedly as they come closer to the scene. A damaged, blue jeep is laying on it's roof against a tree, an ambulance and the sheriff's car are standing on the road. Derek runs out of his car, the wind blowing the tears from his cheeks, eyes stinging. When he comes closer he sees Stiles laying on a stretcher, a wound on his head and two paramedics standing around him. "No, no what happened?" A paramedic pushes him away. "Give us some space, please." "No, please, tell me if is he going to be okay?" The stretcher gets pulled inside the ambulance. "Can I come with you?" Derek's voice is shaking. "Sorry kid" he says as he closes the door, and the ambulance drives away. Derek drops on his knees, head in his hand. He feels the soft hands of Laura on his shoulders, pulling him closer. "Ssh, it's going to be okay, Stiles is strong, he's going to be fine. Come on Derek, let's go to the hospital." She helps him stand up and they walk to the car together. On their way, they don't talk, the only sound is Derek's sobbing. Sobs of fear and especially of regret.

Derek is sitting in the waiting room, plucking at a nail. Another tear falls on his hand. Stiles is in coma, because Derek wouldn't listen, wouldn't forgive him. And what can he do now? Waiting till Stiles wakes up? If Stiles wakes up? "Mister Stilinksi can be visited now." Derek wipes away his tears from his cheek and follows the nurse. His eyes are getting wet again when he sees Stiles. The boy is laying in a bed, connected to an infuse and a heart-rate monitor. He has a bandage on his head and his arm is bruised. Derek takes a seat next to the bed and takes Stiles' hand. A tear drops on it. And a second one. And a third one. "I'm so sorry, Stiles. I'm so sorry this happened." An hour later, Derek is still clenching onto Stiles hand, murmuring words of regret to the boy. A hand is put on his shoulder, Derek turns around to see a nurse standing behind him. "It's time to go, kid. You can say goodbye now." Derek presses a kiss against the hand of Stiles and lays it back down. When he walks out of the room, he turns around to look at Stiles one more time and his eyes fill with tears again. It's his fault that Stiles is laying there, in coma. He already misses him, how long will he have to miss him? How long will he have to wait till Stiles wakes up?

The next day after school Derek immediately hurries to the hospital and goes to Stiles. He makes his homework and talks some to the boy. When it's time for dinner he presses a kiss on Stiles' forehead and goes home. Sometimes Scott or Lydia, or someone else of the group comes with him, but Derek never misses a day. He does this everyday because he wants to make sure he is there when Stiles wakes up. Even if he will be in coma for years.

Derek takes his jacket from his locker and walks to his car. He has big blue circles under his eyes since he hasn't had a good night sleep since two weeks ago. Since the accident happened. A little beard has appeared on his face, he doesn't feel like shaving. Cora and Laura tell him that he has to take better care of himself. But Derek only cares about Stiles at the moment. He still blames himself for the accident. As he rides to the hospital, he almost bumps into another car. He is way to tired to pay attention, he just wants to be with Stiles. When he walks into Stiles' room a nurse is checking his pulse, so Derek just takes a seat in the corner of the room and watches Stiles getting checked up. His arm has healed and the wound on his head is gone, now he has a scar on his forehead, something that will remind him of the accident everytime he checkes the mirror. The thought of that makes Derek's eyes fill with water.
The nurse walks out of the room after she gives Derek a small smile. Derek shoves his chair next to the bed and presses a kiss on Stiles' hand. "Hey Stiles" Derek whispers. His voice sounds raw, he hasn't been talking much these past few days. He just goes to school and looks forward to go to Stiles again. "I missed you today. Again." Derek brushes his thumb over Stiles' cheek before he presses a kiss on it. Derek yawns, I can take a little nap, he thinks. He takes Stiles' hand in his and lays his head on the bed. He quickly drifts off.

"D-Derek?" Derek groans. '"Derek, wake up." Suddenly Derek realises what is happening. He immediately sits up straight and looks Stiles in the eyes. Derek's eyes fill up with tears as he hugs the boy carefully but tight. Both boys start crying before Derek pulls away. "Stiles I'm so sorry I wouldn't listen to you, it's my fault this accident had happened, Stiles can you forgive me?" "Oh silly," a smile grows through Stiles' tears "it's not your fault. It's mine. I shouldn't have been dating you while I thought you were taken." "I have been thinking about that, and actually I'm quite happy that you kept dating me. How else would I have been able to know that I love you? Wait. Did I say that out loud?" Stiles giggles softly "Yes, you did. And I love you too" Stiles whispers before he closes the distance between their lips. Derek wants to kiss him back, but a nurse walks in, and she sees Stiles has woken up. "Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt your.. moment, but we need to check up on Stiles now." Derek nods as he steps aside so the nurse can ride Stiles bed to another room. Before Stiles goes, Derek presses a small kiss on his lips. "Love you, Stiles" "Love you too, Der" Derek starts crying again when Stiles gets driven away. But these tears are not the same as the ones from the last 2 weeks. No, these tears are from happiness.

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