Chapter 1

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"There is a new student I'd like to introduce." Stiles stops talking to his best friend Scott and turns around to see an amazing looking boy standing in front of the class. A few girls are whispering and giggling and Jackson says something to Danny that makes the lacrosse-player blush. The boy in front of the class has dark hair, beautiful green-blueish eyes and muscular arms. He starts talking, Stiles can hear he's a little nervous. "Hi, I am Derek Hale and I had to redo this schoolyear because of my bad grades." He doesn't know what else to say so he just looks at the teacher. He is a history teacher, whose breath always smells like coffee. He gives Derek an approving nod and tells the boy to sit down. Next to Stiles.

Stiles doesn't realise he's staring at the young man next to him until their eyes meet. Stiles coughs and quickly turns his head away, while Derek is trying to hide the blush on his cheeks. Lucky for them, the bell rings before it can get any more akward.

Stiles is sitting in the cantine laughing at a joke Isaac just told him. Isaac is Scott's boyfriend since last year. He came into their class because he had to repeat that schoolyear. He and Scott are really happy together. Then there's Lydia. She's the prettiest and smartest girl in Beacon Hills High and Stiles had a huge crush on her before he knew he wasn't just attracted to girls. Last but not least, there's Allison. She is Lydia's best friend and is really skilled with her bow and arrow. She has dark, long hair and beautiful eyes. "Hey, that's Derek over there!" Isaac says while he points at the boy who looks like he's searching for a place to sit. Derek is about to shoo a few freshmans away to sit at their table when Isaac calls him and gestures him to sit with them. "We were friends, we were in the same class." Isaac explains.
Derek takes a seat next to Stiles and introduces himself to the rest of the group. Isaac and Derek talk about Boyd and Erica, two of their friends who are now in college. Stiles keeps cathing himself staring at Derek. He really likes how Derek looks and he seems really nice. But he tries to get rid of that thoughts. "He probably isn't into guys." He thinks.

After school they have lacrosse-practice. It is going really well until Stiles notices Derek is sitting on the tribune. He gets nervous because he is starting to like the guy and he wants to make a good impression. It gets worse when Stiles gets the ball! He runs to the goal and.... he trips over a foot. He falls and someone from the other team grabs the ball and scores. Stiles is almost to embarrased to look at Derek, but when he does he sees that Derek is smiling friendly at him.


Its Saturday-morning and Stiles is drinking a Chai Latte at the local Starbucks with Lydia. "I think we should work on the group-project Monday." Lydia suggests. Stiles takes a sip from his drink before he says: "I was actually thinking about Thursday." "Yeah, that seems fine to me." "Come to think of it, at whose house are we going to work on the project?" "If you ask me, we're going to Scotts, his mother is really friendly." "I agree on that, last timel.." Stiles stops talking mid-sentence because he hears a familiar voice behind him. He turns around to see Derek giving a warm hug to a man. "Hey Boyd, haven't seen you in a while.." Stiles doesn't pay attention to the rest of the conversation. He just looks at his coffee while Lydia rambles about her new shoes. Does Derek have a boyfriend? Is he on a date right now? Atleast I was right about the fact he likes boys. Those kind of thoughts are going through Stiles mind at the moment. "I'm sorry Lydia, but I'm not feeling very well, I guess I should go home."
Stiles isn't really paying attention when he is heading home. He almost bumps into another car and stops just in time at the traffic lights. When he comes home he kicks his shoes off and throws his jacket on the ground. He spends the rest of the day on the couch watching all the StarWars with a big jar of Ben&Jerrys.

"Who's supposed to clean this mess up?" John Stilinksi shouts to the livingroom as he sees the clothes in the hall. He looks angry when he walks to the couch until he sees that his son is sitting on the couch with a long face. "Hey, what happened?" John asks as he pulls his son in a hug. "I think he has a boyfriend." Stiles mumbles on his dads shoulder "I saw them at Starbucks." John doesn't know what Stiles is talking about but pulls out of the hug and looks Stiles in the eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that Stiles." Stiles gives him a small smile. "How about we order some pizza?" "Can't say no to pizza." Stiles says as he gives his dad another hug.

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