I get a call from Lindsey so I answer it, yes i gave her her phone, what is she supposed to do when I'm not home and she's horny?
"Hello baby" I say and she sound out of breath
"Hello, police just broke into our house" she says as I hear muffling and an engine start
"Oh shit, where are you did they see you?" I panic
"No, I stole one of their cars, as they broke into the house I snuck out, they left the keys in the car dumbasses"
"Did you get the emergency bag and the money!"
"Don't worry babe I got everything, the weed that was in your drawer, our birth certificates and passports, the emergency bag full of clothes and other shit, the bag full of money, all the photos of you in the house are with me so they don't see your face, the gun, I have everything"
"What are you wearing?!"
"Gloves so my DNA doesn't get on the steering wheel, a beanie, sweats and a jumper, where are you?"
" I'm at Jacobs, drop all the stuff off here and, park the car down that secret alley way"
"Okay baby"
"How about the camera in the police car?" I panic again
" I smashed it up" she says
"Okay, imma meet you at that alley way, I don't want you walking by yourself because it's quite far from Jacobs house"
"Okay" she says and I hear police sirens through the phone
"Babe? ....."
"They sped past me, there not looking for me" she says with relief
"Wait baby did you grab my moms ashes?"
"That's the first thing I picked up babe, I would never ever forget her"
"I love you so much, be quick I wanna hug you for an hour" I say
"Okay Ima go now, if anything happens I love you. I'm close to Jacob's though.....bye"
"Bye baby girl"
End of phone conversation
"JACOBBB" I yell and he walks in "yup?"
"Police broke into my house"
"Where's Lindsey?!"
"She's coming, she stole a police car, she grabbed EVERYTHING so she didn't leave evidence behind."
"Did she get the cash?" He asks
"She got everything"
"Well until we get further information about mike, we're all gonna have to live here until we flee to Detroit"
"Safe bro, thanks for that man" I say bro hugging him
I help Lindsey bring all the stuff into Jacobs house "did you dump the car?" I ask and she nods. Once we got all the stuff into Jacob's house me and Lindsey talked for a while when she gave me my moms ashes
"If I didn't have you I don't think I would be able to live because I don't have my mom, you keep me strong Lindsey" I say pulling her into a tight hug, she reaches up and kisses me passionately "it's ok...I love you, so does your mom" she says and I nearly cried.
"Okay well take those clothes off and bin them all, go take a shower and get a fresh pair of clothes out that bag" I demand and she listens. I grab one bag of weed and start rolling a lil something, right now I'm stressed because nothing is going to plan. "Lemme get a few hits" Jacob says and I nod.
Love my baby, she got me and I got her
Hey please tell me what you thought of this chapter 💖💖

Fanfic•COMPLETED• ⚠️R RATED⚠️In most of these kidnap stories the kidnapper falls in love with the 'kidnapee'... Will this book be the same or will it be totally different...