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"No Jake" he wraps his arms around my waist "but I'm sorry" he whispers in my ear, I bite my lip and when he looks at me I stop, "take me back please I'm sorry" he begs.

He's like this because I crushed up his pills and put them in his food


"Lijah, baby I'm sorry" Lindsey says as I press ice on her wrist. "I'm sorry linds but I can't, not after what you did" I say and she cries more I feel bad.

She's like this because she realised how Jacob really is.

Ive moved jail, and I met this fine ass girl here. She is lightskin she has LONG curly hair and chocolate eyes. "Oh hey mike" she says as everyone gets let out of their cells at this time "hey Brianna, you good?"  She hugs me "yeah I am"

I've moved jail, and I think I just met the love of my life, Gabbie is still on the back of my mind but I need some female company in here.


"Hey my name is jade" I say as he shakes my hand "my name is chesanto but call me Santo, I was wondering if I could get you digits?" I pull out my phone "uh yeah sure" I say smiling

Nigga is sexy ASF, he's coming over my house later on.


She slaps me around my face "Trina why the fuck do you keep hitting me" I yell. "Because I don't love you, I just wanted you to give me head and I got it that's it, furthermore get out my house" she snaps "but Tri, I have no where to go" I say looking at her "ion care live on the streets.

I'm like this because I wanted a lesbian instead of my boyfriend, because I set Mike up...but the truth is........I really miss him😫

This was just a little summary of what's going on with everyone, expect a long chapter tomorrow 💖 night loves

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