The Flame's Dimming

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  Scarlet's POV

I walked inside and went into the kitchen and I ran into J-Hope.
"Hey Scarlet, what's up." He asked me.
"Nothing besides your in my way." I said with no emotion or tone but my face was bright red.
"Are you catching a cold? Your face is really red." J-Hope asked.
I just pushed him out of my way and continued on into the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl of strawberries and went out into the living room and laid down on the couch. I turned on the TV and watched 'Running Man'. It was about 12:00 am and the front door opened, I got a little scared, but Jimin and Jungkook walked in.
"Hey Scarlet you should get to bed it's late." Jungkook said.
They both headed upstairs as Jin came down.
"Scarlet we cleaned out an extra room upstairs so get your stuff." He said then went back upstairs.
I packed up my stuff and went upstairs with Peoji following behind me. I walked over to Jin, he opened the door to my new room. It had white walls and a bed with a blue blankets.
"It's beautiful, thank you." I said as I went over to the bed and sat my stuff down.
Jin left and I got changed into some pj's and put my earbuds in and listened to some Green Day. I was listening to 'American Idiot' when I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." I said as I sat up.
Rap Monster came in, "Hey, can we talk?" He asked.
I nodded my head, "Look I'm sorry for always being rude and distant from you, I just don't like seeing the others hurt. Can you forgive me?" He said.
I looked down at my feet, I started tapping my toes together while thinking.
"Okay, also I'm sorry too." He looked up and looked really happy, he ran up to me and hugged me, I froze because I was so startled.
A few minutes later after trying to sleep I decided to unpack my stuff. I put my clothes in the dresser that Jin got me, it was white. I pulled my pictures out of my bag. The first one was me and Peoji when I was about 8, I sat the picture down on my nightstand next to my bed. I pulled out the next picture.....Eomma...Appa... A tear ran down my face, it was my parents wedding picture, I sat the picture down on my nightstand too. The last picture I pulled out was me and my parents when I was young maybe about...hmmm...9. I hugged the picture and started to sob.
Peoji hopped up on my bed and laid down next to me trying to cheer me up, but I missed them too much. I laid down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling while hugging the picture. I cried so much I got tired and fell asleep.
I woke up in the morning because someone was lightly shaking me.
"Jungkook?....." I asked while sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
"It's morning, so get up." he said as he picked up Peoji and left to go eat.
I got up when he left and got dressed in one of Jimins shirts that he gave me. I walked into the kitchen where Jin was.
"Good morning." Jin said while finishing up making breakfast.
"Good morning." I said back as I sat down.
"Hey Scarlet...C-can I ask you something?" He said as he sat my food down in front of me.
"What is it?..." I said a little curious.
"C-can I do your hair?..." He asked me while stuttering, I was a little startled a bit.
"Sure, I guess." He walked over behind where I was sitting and I handed him my brush.
He started to brush my hair as I started to eat. He started pulling my hair up into a ponytail. After he was done I ran to the bathroom and I looked at myself in the mirror. Wow Jin is REALLY good at hair, now I see why the others call him mom. I mean he cooks, cleans, and does the laundry too. I walked back into the kitchen, but right when I walked in Jin bumped into me while running out and running up the stairs. I followed them and when I got upstairs everyone was crowded around Jungkook's, V's, and Jimin's room.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Jimin's REALLY sick." V answered.
I pushed through everyone and saw Jimin laying in bed, he was sweating so much and he was so pale. He looked so miserable. I ran to the laundry room and got a small bucket full of cold water and a wash rag. I went back upstairs and walked into the room. I sat the small bucket down next to the bed. I folded the rag and put it in the cold water and wrung it out.
Jimin started to wake up, he tried to sit up slowly but I pushed him back down.
"Jimin you are sick, okay? You have to stay home today." I said.
"But Scarlet....I-I...have to protect you." he said.
"Well you can because Jin and I are staying here to watch you." I said sounding like a mom.
He laid back down out of energy COMPLETELY. The others left for school and Jin went to go make him some soup.
I continued to wash his face with the cold rag. He looked terrible, he started coughing up blood out of no where.
"JIN!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I started to cry not knowing what to do.
I heard Jin's quick footsteps up the stairs into the room. He ran over to Jimin and started chanting a spell, soon after Jimin stopped and Jin walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders.
"It's okay Scarlet, he's fine now, he's fine." I was still crying, I hate the situations where someone you know or love is hurt and you can't do anything.
After Jimin was okay. I was STILL crying. I know what a baby I am. I felt a burning hot hand on my wrist.
"I'm fine Scarlet calm down." I turned around to see where the soothing voice was coming from.
He puled my wrist down and caught me in a hug.
"I'm going to be alright, I have to...for you." He said as I cried into his shoulder.
I stood up and left after that to go take Peoji on a walk with Jin. As we were walking he started talking to me.
"Hey is Jimin feeling better?" he asked me, I nodded.
"It would seem so." I said back.
"Oh, I never got to thank you for doing my hair, it looks beautiful, I should let you do it more often for me." I said as a big smile formed on his face.
"Okay! It sounds like fun!" He said as we continued our walk.
When we got home the boys texted Jin and I asking if Jimin was alright. Jin face timed them and gave the phone to Jimin. While the boys talked to him, Jin and I made lunch for the 3 of us.
"Hey Scarlet can you take Jimin his food please while I clean up?" I nodded and took the food from Jin.
I walked upstairs and headed into Jimin's room, he was still on the phone. I set the food down next to Jimin on his table.
"Hey guys guess who's here?!" Jimin said to the boys.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me down next to him so I could be seen on the camera.
"SCARLET!!!!!!!!" I heard everyone scream into the phone.
I smiled as they all laughed.
"Make sure you guys focus in class, okay?" I asked them.
"OKAY!" they all answered, Jimin patted my back, as I was about to leave I heard a voice call my name.
"Hey Scarlet?" I turned to see Jimin who called for me.
"Yeah?" I answered back.
"Is that one of my shirts?" he asked me.
"Yeah, it's really comfy." I said as I walked out.
I went downstairs into the kitchen to help Jin with the dishes. Today has already been so stressful so after cleaning I went to my room and took a nap.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and will continue reading too! I been trying to write this chapter for a few days now and I FINALLY finished it, also I had really bad writers block. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!  

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