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  Scarlet's POV

"Jimin?...." I said when I woke up, honestly I was still half asleep.
I sat up and realized I was in bed.
"Jimin..." I said again, I couldn't see very well because my vision was a little fuzzy, as my vision cleared I saw Jimin asleep on a chair next to my bed.
I stood up slowly but lost footing because I got light headed. I felt hot hands catch me. I sat back down on the edge of the bed and saw Jimin awake.
"Lay back down, you need to sleep, you're still not fully stable." he said, after 5 minutes he stood up and walked out as I started to fall asleep.
I woke up about 30 minutes later because of a nightmare of my parents dead and on fire but they were walking towards me saying 'It's all your fault.' I was gasping for air, Jimin was sitting next to me he sat up and pulled me into a tight hug.
"It's okay now Scarlet, it's okay." after I caught my breath Jimin left and came back with food and a glass of water.
He helped me sit up in bed and handed me the plate.
"You need to eat and gain your energy back, okay?" I nodded and started to eat.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked me.
"I'm fine but are you okay?" I asked after answering his question.
"That doesn't matter, just eat and then go back to sleep," he started walking away but then turned back around.
"also if you need anything Jin and I are home." he said as he walked out and went next door to his room.
Then he came back in with a pyromancing spell book. I eventually got curious about it.

"Hey Jimin... what are you looking for? I mean you already know a bunch of spells so-"
"Don't worry about it, just go back to sleep when you're done with your food." mumbled Jimin who was so concentrated in his 'studying'.
I put my food on my nightstand and took a sip of water and eventually fell asleep with Jimin watching over me. I woke up feeling refreshed but a little sore still. I got up and went downstairs into the kitchen and grab a glass of water. I was half way up the stairs
"Scarlet." I turned and saw Baekhyun.
"Why are you here?..." I said stuttering.
"I want you back, no matter what I will have you." he said then he changed into a wolf, I quickly sprinted upstairs into to Jimin's room, he stood up when he saw me run in and lock the door behind me.
"Scarlet what's wrong?" he said walking up to me,
"Baekhyun is here and he wants me back." I said.
"SCARLET STAY BACK!" he yelled, I ran to the back of the room away from the door.
Then he summoned fire and then opened the door, a wolf came running in and Jimin made a fire barrier around us. Baekhyun tried to break through the barrier but couldn't, he turned into a human again and started chanting spells to break the barrier but before he could finish Jimin broke it himself and tackled Baekhyun and started punching him in the face. Baekhyun started coughing up blood.
"OKAY OKAY I"LL LEAVE JUST LET ME GO!!!" Baekhyun started screaming out in pain.
Jimin got off of him and he disappeared using his teleportation magic. Jimin ran over to me and started checking to see if I was hurt.
"Jimin I'm fine." I said reassuringly, then he hugged me.
"Thank god. If you were hurt I don't know what I would've done." he said worryingly.
He let go of me and we both went down stairs to make sure everything was still there and it was. We locked all the doors and windows to make sure he wouldn't come back with Tao, Kris, Luhan, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Chen, Lay, Kai, Suho, Xuimin, and Sehun. Later the others came home and Jin came home from the store. Jimin and I were upstairs and I was teaching him some new spells...
"WE'RE HOME BITCHES!!!!" I heard V scream from down stairs and the others were yelling as well they all came running up the stairs and into Jimin's room.
Jimin and I were working on the spell 'Fire to Blade' but when they came was a disaster.
"Could you guys quite down by any chance, I'm trying to practice, also Jin Rap Mon and Jin, Scarlet and I need to talk to you." The others left but we pulled Rap Mon and Jin to the side.
"Guys, Baekhyun broke in while you were gone." Jimin explained.
"Ok, that means the Worgens and the Warlocks are after us, and maybe the Fairies too." Jin said.
"We'll just have to be extra careful and protect Scarlet at all times." Rap Monster said to the three of us and then we all nodded and dispersed.
I went to my room and grabbed my journal then went out to the backyard with Peoji. I started writing things down in my journal, things I wanted to go buy to fix up the house so it didn't look so run down as a thanks to Bts. I heard the door open and close I looked over to see Jungkook.
"Whatcha doin out here?" he said as he sat down next to me on the bench I was sitting on.
"Nothing..." I said as I hid my journal.
"Come on....tell meeeeee!" he said as he started tickling me.
"Stop!!! Stop!!!! Jungkook!!!" I starting screaming while laughing, after a few minute he finally stopped he we just sat there laughing for a while until Jin came out and said dinner was ready.
We started heading back in but I felt a hand grab my wrist, I turned around to see Jungkook holding my wrist.
"What?" I asked.
"Scarlet, try not to get hurt anymore...please. It hurts me to see you scared and hurt. And when you're afraid come to me.....not Jimin now." he said then walked away.
I was really confused but I shrugged and walked inside after Jungkook. We all ate dinner and I went to my room to go count my money for tomorrow. I went to V, Jungkook, and Jimin's room. I opened the door.
"Jimin can you come here?" I asked then I walked out into the hall with Jimin.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Tomorrow I wanted to clean up the house and clean up the yard too, I wanted to ask if you want to help and go to the store tomorrow with me?" I asked.
"Sure, now get to bed it's getting late." I nodded and he rubbed the top of my head and I walked into my room and he walked back into his.

I hope you all liked this chapter and will continue reading. I have a lot of idea's for up coming chapters as well. Also go read my other story 'Jackson Wang!'. Thank you and I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!  

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