23 - apology

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"are you okay?" jackson asked his best friend. "don't worry, i'm okay." he said and started to cry. "i'm okay." he said in between his sobs. jackson hugged youngjae and youngjae started sobbing on his shoulder.

"its so frustrating." youngjae said while crying.

jaebum looked for youngjae and he finally spotted them. he saw youngjae crying on jackson's shoulder which made his heart ache. he approached youngjae but mark stopped him.

"what do you want?" mark asked with anger on his voice.

"im here to explain." jaebum said but mark grabbed his hands and dragged him away from youngjae.

"you're a fucking idiot jaebum. you can't just not talk to youngjae for days and then show up kissing someone."

"its not like th-" jaebum said but couldn't finish his sentence. "it's exactly like that!" mark raised his voice.

"you know what jaebum? relationships don't work this way... both person needs to make things work!"

"im sorry." jaebum said. "im sorry." he repeated himself. "why are you saying that to me?" mark said. "say that to youngjae. but not now, you'll make everything worse. let jackson comfort him for now."

jaebum nodded and followed mark's advice. "why are you suddenly helping me?" jaebum asked. "i'm not helping you, i'm helping youngjae."


youngjae woke up feeling extremely sick. he doesn't want to go to school, he doesn't even want to get up from his head.

"get up youngjae!" he heard his mom yell. he rolled his eyes and adjusted the blanket. "i'm not going to school today." he yelled back. his mom opened the door and said. "exams today, have you forgotten?" youngjae panicked and cursed himself.

he quickly stood up and got dressed. he said his goodbyes to his mom. he decided to ride the bus to save some time. on his ride to school, he opened his bag. he saw the pug keychain jaebum gave him and it annoyed him. he removed the keychain and hid it inside. he grabbed his notes and started studying.

when he arrived at the school, he saw jaebum standing infront of the gate waiting for him. he walked faster to avoid jaebum.

"youngjae can we ta-"

"sorry, i'm busy." he plainly replied.

"please youngjae." jaebum begged but youngjae proceeded to walk.

youngjae entered their classroom annoyed for two reasons. first, he haven't studied for the exams, hell, he doesn't even know that there's an exam and second, because he hates seeing jaebum's face.

"hey youngjae, are you okay now?" jackson asked concerned.

"you've asked that question for too many times now." youngjae said. "i'm fine."

"okay..." jackson replied. "what are you doing?" jackson asked. "studying for exams, duh." youngjae answered. "stop bothering me."

"what exam?" jackson asked confused. "the finals are over? we had them last month?"

youngjae spaced out for a moment. "what?"

"wow, is this what love does to a person?" jackson asked. "you've gotten more stupid."


"youngjae can we ta-" jaebum asked youngjae as he exited his classroom.

"no." youngjae shut down jaebum immediately.

its jaebum's 7th attempt to talk to youngjae but youngjae won't even spare him a glance. it made jaebum irritated, but he knows that he made a mistake so he'll keep trying. sana is still clinging into him but now he's refusing her.

jaebum is annoyed, hurt, and sad about the recent happenings. he acknowledges that it is mainly his fault and he regrets it. "you're so dumb jaebum, so dumb." he said to himself.

he saw jackson leave the classroom too and jaebum didn't waste the opportunity to talk to him. "hey jackson." he said.

"do i know you?" jackson rolled his eyes and proceeded to walk.

"don't be like this to me too." jaebum sadly said. "don't be like what jaebum?" jackson said, facing jaebum. "you deserve this treatment for being an idiot. youngjae deserves better." when jaebum heard those words come out from jackson's mouth, it made his heart ache.

"maybe you're right..." jaebum said. "but i won't give up on youngjae until he forgives me."

"good luck on that." jackson said and walked away.

jaebum sighed. "i fucked up real bad."


short chapter. anyway i will post a story abt 2jae .

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