The Night Of The Sacrafice

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Do you know about those groups that sacrifice the devil? How silly they are making there groups so easy to stop by mere mortals? You see we worship him under a different name. Well we dont have a different name for HIM. Our ruler is the true ruler of hell we call HER USUS RASONA but in our language it means DARK LORD. Would you like to know how we worship her?


A girl around age 17 was sitting there trembling in fear her arms wrapped around her legs. Tears ran down her face. Her ratted long hair covered most of her face,she was trying to hide her shame. The teenage girl was in only a long pajama tshirt and boxer shorts. Her legs were covered in blood and glass. Which in a way was her own fault. She looked up for a moment her lime green eyes were red and puffy from crying. She screamed into the darkness that surrounded her  "Let me out you bastards get me out of here!" She screamed.

She looked towards a metal door, that had a small window with 3 bars over it. She glanced over and saw a red eyes gazing at her through the doors window. Then they dissapeered agian she shivered and screamed, it hurt her ears and throat. Then she fell over to the ground sobbing. She was betrayed by the people she was beginning to trust. She thought that they cared about her treated her like family. Then last night around midnight she woke up to the sound of someone sneaking into her window. She had recognized them and at first was not alarmed then they attacked her. They had gagged her so the neighbors wouldn't hear her scream. Then blind folded her and carried her out the window. Though while trying to kick one of them in the face she shattered the window covering her legs in glass. Eventually she felt a very sharp pain in her neck then the world became gone. When she woke up she was in here in a damp cell it was suprisingly wide but there was little light for her to use to explore the area. She was mad at the people that did this to her,Mad at her parents for choosing last night for there stupid anniversery dinner. But most of all she was mad at herself for joining this stupid group in the first place.

A sudden click jolted her out of her thought she sat up akwardly trying not to be on the areas of her legs that still had glass in it. She looked up and was relieved too see a very familiar face in a black robe "Oh thank god...i mean Usus Rasona that your here can you please convince these guys im one of you" The girl pleaded.

The figure smiled and said in a cold voice "Im sorry Tanya i can't do that" She said.

"W-W-Why not" The girl said suprised to here her real name instead of the group name Midnight Feather.

"You see Usus Rasona requires we make....sacrafices and you happen to be perfect" The figure said.

"No No No please dont!" Tanya screamed as two other figures came forward forcing her to stand up despite the terrible pain in her legs.

"Im sorry Midnight Feather your offically out of the group" The hooded figure said with a soft smile that didnt reach there blood red eyes.

One of the figures ripped Tanyas nightshirt off causing her to automatically cover her chest another one ripped her boxer shorts off. They both grabbed her arms forcing them to lift up as a third one came in with something very white and lacy and put it over her head. Tanya for a moment gazed at what was put on her. A pure white dress it stopped at her feet and had laces at the bottom there was only thin straps keeping it on her. It must have been very expensive as it was pure silk. About four more hooded figures came in all lifting the struggling Tanya off her shoulders and they carried her down a stairway. Tanya thought that this place couldn't get any scarier,but she was wrong. She was brought into a very familiar room she had been here many times for special ceremonies her welcoming ceremony had been in this room.

They carried her over to a table that hadn't been here before and strapped her down into it. Cold metal cuffs automatically linked around her wrists and ankles. She tried too pull free with no luck and then started to plead "Please i just want to go home i-i dont want to die" She whimpered.

"But Tanya she needs you without souls our leader wont beable to rise agian and lead this world into greatness" The figure said above her her voice a soft whisper like she was soothing a small child. Tears ran down Tanyas eyes but she didn't know the true pain was about to begin.

A sudden pain was in her right leg she looked down to see part of the dress was sliced and more blood was coming from her leg. Another one was done to her left leg she began to scream but the pain wouldn't stop it just got worse. They started with one knife for both her legs untill they were sliced up so badly they would never beable to be used agian. Then they did the same to her stomach but they did it with a much bigger and much more curved knife. They also did it much slower as if they were carving somthing into her stomach. Tanya couldn't stop screaming the pain was so unbearable she didn't know why she wasn't dead yet or unconsious. Eventually the stopped agian obviously choosing a new weapon this one was small very pointed at the edge Tayna became hopefull maybe they would stab it through her heart and be done. But that wasn't the case as they carved into her chest not deep enough to hit her heart but deep enough for more blood to be drawn. But they were being quicker as two others had started carving into her arms she screamed and cried and pled but nothing worked.

Finally they all moved out of the way as there leader came back the cloaked girl smiled she was closest to the shortest of them all but everyone respected her. She grabbed another knife one with ancient symbols on it and carved into the girls forhead. Then down her left cheek and her right cheek. It was amazing Tanya was still alive there was so much blood everywhere yet the girl was still consious. "This has too be the one" The small girl said her hood falling down she had fiery red hair and pale skin with red eyes like the others.

She was in her early twenties despite her small size. She then stood on the table her feet right behind the girls head and started to chant others watched her in amazement. Only she could do this ceremony unless Usus Rasona chose another but that would only be if she died which would be very unlikely.

"Usus Rasona Leana Ro Adule Menty Linva Ru Nes Ore Krish Ni IRa?" She said looking towards a stature they believe is what there Usus Rasona looks like.

Tanya let out one last blood curtling scream her eyes wide blood pouring from her mouth. Every wound on her was glowing a violent looking red. Her soul was being sucked out of her a very painfull process. Everyone watched in hope that she would be the one they were looking for.

There was a very stressfull moment of silence then the statue grew red and they all heard a voice they did not expect "You have failed me Usus Dunkora this is not the Sesu Orenta i was wanting this is just a Susu Linva!"

The woman fell to her knees "Im sorry master please give me another chance" She begged.

The voice then replied angerily "I gave you many chances and you have failed me and for punishment of your foolishness your soul is mine!" The womans eyes bulged and was about to beg some more but she didn't get a chance as a sudden pain went over her she screamed hands over her head blood pouring out of her mouth then her eyes rolled to her head and she fell over.

One of the boys ran forward and checked her pulse and shook his head to the others indicating she was dead. They all looked at the statue afraid that one of them was next when it said in a much calmer voice. "Krish Enda come forward" A female figure a hood still over her head walked forward and said "Yes master?"

"Usus Dunkora failed me but i always knew you would be more reliable i give you eight months to find the Sesu Orenta do not fail me or you'll end up with the same fate" The voice said and a red mist that came from the dead previous leader went into her and she smiled and bowed.

"I will not fail you Usus Rasona" She whispered.

The statue became its original color and everyone looked unsure till the girl snapped "What are all you doing just standing there clean up this room then go and find candidates for either becoming one of us or for the Sesu Orenta!" She shouted they all nodded and ran off taking the bodies to were they took the other ones and cleaning up the blood.

She walked up the stairs smiling "Usus Dunkora was a failure plus she was old blood Usus Rasona should have killed her years ago when she turned 19 like most of the others" She said shaking her head.

"I wont fail i will find that girl and give her soul to our Rasona no matter what" 

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