The School of the Murdered

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"Rain wake up!" I heard my sister yell for the millionth time couldnt she just go away? Ditching school was healthy even if it was the first day. Plus i didn't want to go to a school were i could possibly get killed but no it was my parents idea. Less people in the neighborhood,less expensive house to buy,less traffic to there job. Less seemed to be my parents favorite word.

I put my purple pillow over my head trying to block out the sound of my older sister yelling. Then i heard her walk away. HA bet she didn't expect me to lock the door that was one of the little list of good things about moving here my room had a lock. Suddenly i heard the sound of something jamming into my door and it opening,oh crap she brought the reinforcement of my,soon to be criminal,little brother. I pretended to be asleep as she walked up to my bed and snatched my pillow away and started to hit me with it. "OW HEY!" I protested but she ignored me.

"Just because" smack "Mom and dad told me to drive you" smack "To school today" smack "Does not mean you" smack "Get to make me late!" smack.

"Ok i surrender commander Kendra!" I said holding up my hands.

She dropped the pillow to the floor "Thats General Kendra to you" She said before turning around walking out my younger brother following.

I sat up groaning it wasn't fair i wouldn't be 16 for four months so i couldn't drive myself. Or make it look like i was driving myself but instead sneaking off to good old CenterVille. I stood up and grabbed the first clothes i could from my new closet in my bigger room,ok second thing on the list,and headed to my private bathroom,the third thing on the list. I didn't have time to shower so i just hoped that sweet pea body spray would cover any indication of that. I changed into jeans and a lime green tshirt that said the words Im sexy and i know it. Which i was given as a going away gift from my old best friend Hannah. Then of course during the summer she stopped calling,texting,facebooking and twittering me.

What is the point of technology if people dont use it? I put my; wishing it was a different color than blond, hair in a pony tail. I put in my contacts you see i didn't really need them but my eyes were the weirdest color in the world. They were literly pure gold color not those weird twilight vampires gold but a bright yellow gold. So i wore dark blue contacts hoping that no one notices and headed downstairs. Of course i did somthing stupid and tripped on the last step and fell on my stomach right infront of Kendra. "Well took ya long enough" She said dropping my thankfully empty bag on my head.

I stood up and put my bag over my right shoulder and looked at the criminal he was also a midget so he was standing on the counter to get the top shelf of cookies. "Yo Rayson!" I shouted causing him to fall backwards onto the chair.

"Its time to go" Kendra said.

Rayson stood up grabbing his backpack annoyed he was just out of elementry school now he was in sixth grade. In our old school it went from first two sixth but in this area the school went from first to fifth then sixth to eigth. I couldn't help but to smirk "Is the small fry ready to go to the small fryer" I said knowing the middle school would be a pretty small building.

"Cant i just go with you guys and disguise myself as a highschool guy the middle school chicks aren't hot enough" He whined.

Both me and Kendra gave him a look till he just groaned and walked outside. Besides the look of oddness, me and Kendra share, me and my older sister were nothing alike. She had straight brown hair that she cut halfway down her neck. She had gray eyes and had lipgloss and light brown eyeshadow over her eyes. You see i got my looks from my great grandpa apperently since he was the only one with blond hair. Noone knows were i got the freakish yellow eyes doctor says its just a genetic mutation and would probrablly fade when i was in my teens. Well im in my teens and its nowhere near gone. I ran outside shouting "Shotgun!" But my brother already took it.

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