You've Decided

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You packed up your things so quickly

I didn't get a chance to say goodbye

You didn't even leave

But it seems to me that you're on a lifetime holiday

And I try to put you out like you're a forest up in flames

And I do my best but you insist on giving me all the blame

Fifty shades of you and me

Which are you? Red or green?

You're so perfect, you've decided

But you're so evil, you can't hide it

You're so vain, always absorbed in your own pain

Your eyes see only for your own gain

Part your lips in the beginnings of a complaint

No longer do I care what you say

Those words fall upon my deaf ears

And whatever you yell, I will no longer hear

So what happened to dressing up?

Tell me, where is all the love?

I feel nothing right now

You're so good, please, take a bow

You try to turn me into your puppet

You've decided I'm your marionette

Go ahead and pull the strings

We'll see if you have control of me

So pack up your things eternally

Goodbye times infinity

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