Armin x Mikasa

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Author-chan here! Someone actually requested this ship so @SM_Studios Here ya go!

*stares at the screen in really deep thought*

*walks over* Hey brat? What's that?

Gaah! Heichou don't sneak up on me like that!

*chuckles* Sorry. I didnt try, you were just lost in thought.

Oh. Well we have a requested ship Ravioli.

*glares at him for the nickname but continues on* hmm.... Akerman and Arlert? Well, finally a ship we aren't in.

Yeah but these two are my two best friends.

Yeah. So what's your opinion on it Yaeger?

I'm not sure. Hmmmm.....

Well I think their cute. The coconut needs someone to protect him. Mikasa seems like she cares about you two so I don't see why not that they could get together.

Yeah you have a point. I'm just not sure what to think about my two best friends getting together.

Don't get jealous Eren.

That's not it Levi! Nothing like that. I just never thought about it until now. But you know what? You're right. They would make a pretty adorable couple. And I KNOW what a romantic Armin is. Mikasa would enjoy that.

Wait. Arlert is romantic? How would you know that?

He once told me of what he would do if he had a significant other. He was.... quite romantic with his ideas. They were really cute.

Huh. Yeah I can see that mushy stuff in him.

*smiles* It may be mushy but I love you.

Tch......I love you too stupid brat.

*goofily grins* Well to have an overall view, I think that they would be a super cute couple!

Yeah. I agree. It would be gross to stand three feet from them.

Heichou! *playfully slaps his arm*

What? I'm just sayin.

Ya know, you can be mushy too! Member that one time when-

*covers Eren's mouth*

*muffled talking*

Shut up brat! We don't need a relationship walk through this part! And I am. not. mushy.

*muffled laughter*

*uncovers his mouth*

*giggles* (sarcastic) Suuuuuure Wevi. Your not mushy at aaallll.

*rolls eyes* I'm not.

I'll have to tell you guys later about all the cute stuff he did. It was so adorable I thought my heart was going to explode. He said he was going out to the grocery store an-

*covers mouth again* Stupid fucking brat shut up! *very lightly blushes*

*points to the blush*

*puts his hand down* Alright. But yeah, overall cute couple. Armin and Mikasa aren't bad. But I have to go before this stupid brat of mine starts rambling on about our relationship again. Hope to see ya soon. Bye. *drags Eren away far far away into the distance but you can faintly see Levi kiss Eren then they continue on so they disappear*

Eren and Levi's reaction to ships in AoTWhere stories live. Discover now