The Man with the Vampire Smile

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The man watched Mary get into her car and check her mirrors. She started her car and drove out of the school's parking lot. The man grinned. He knew she wouldn't get more than a mile. He'd made sure of that.

The man started his car after Mary's was out of sight. He knew the route she used everyday. He knew that there was a half of a mile stretch that hardly anybody used. This was where he would abduct her.

Mary groaned as her car began to slow down. What was happening? She took her car to the shop last week! She pulled off the road and got out of the car. The cold wind went straight through her thin jacket, making her shiver. She pulled her phone out of her pocket. No signal. She'd just have to wait for someone to drive by.

She got back in her car and waited. A few minutes later, she heard the motor of a car approach. She got out of her car and ran into the street, waving her arms. As the large white van advanced, Mary saw it was a small ambulance. Good. This person would know what to do.

The ambulance pulled onto the shoulder a few yards ahead of Mary's car. A man in his thirties with large arms got out of the driver's seat.

"Do you need jumper cables?" He asked her.

"I don't think so. My car just stopped working."

"Strange. Did you call anyone?"

"I tried. Verizon doesn't work too well out here."

The man laughed. "That's why I switched. Go and grab my phone. I think it's in the cup holder. See if you have any luck. I'll see what I can do with your car."

Mary nodded her head. She walked towards the ambulance. She opened the heavy door and stepped inside. Mary shut the door in an attempt to keep the nippy wind out. She was looking for the man's phone when she heard the doors lock. Thinking she'd accidentally hit a button, she turned to unlock them manually but found she couldn't. The controls wouldn't budge. Did ambulances have child lock?

She pressed down on the horn, feeling ridiculous. How could she lock herself in? Surely, her elbow must have pressed a button without her realizing. Vehicles didn't lock by themselves.

She turned her head to see the man outside the door, keys dangling in his hand. She smiled, glad that she was about to get out. She didn't like the smell of the ambulance or the feeling of being trapped. The man smiled back and Mary held back a cry, bile rising in her throat. She flinched away from the door, praying it would stay locked. The man's teeth were sharpened to a fine point, resembling triangles, and fit together like a puzzle. He looked like a mutated vampire.

Mary heard the doors unlock. She threw her arm out to lock the door. She was terrified of the man and his smile was sickening. What kind of person did that to himself?

She was too late. The man was already inside the ambulance, a syringe in his hand. It was filled with a clear liquid. He thumped it with his finger and smiled sinisterly. "I have been waiting for you so long. My sweet little Mary."

Mary turned and flung herself to the passenger's door but it was also locked. Adrenaline pumped through her veins. She kicked out her foot, aiming for the man's stomach, but he caught it mid air and twisted. Mary cried out and jerked her foot back.

Mary barely registered the man's movements. In a second he was on her, pressing the needle into her neck. She tried to lift her hand to hit him but found that her hand was oddly heavy. She blinked to clear her vision but black fuzzy dots seemed to overtake it. She curled her fingers and white noise filled her head. The last thing she remembered was the man with the vampire smile stroking her hair.


Mary woke very slowly. The first things she realized was that she was hungry and tired. Oh, so tired. Her head felt battered. The second thing she realized was that she was tilted downwards. She tried to lift her hands to rub her head but they were clamped down to the hard metal table she was on. She strained to move her ankles but found she could only lift them an inch before cold hard metal bit into her skin.

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