--Agent West

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A/N: Sorry about the lack of editing but I don't think it's too bad. Comment if you see anything in desperate need of being fixed.  It's a bit hard to write from Dane and Mary's POV because they basically just sit in a cell and mope. Thanks and Enjoy! :) It's a bit boring but stuff is about to go down. I promise. :)

--West POV--

It’d been about two and a half months since West contacted Lassen and now he was waiting information. He knew she was still alive. She was too good to get caught. But he wished he would give him updates more often. But that was on the back of his mind.

He was more concerned with Mary Robertson. She’d been kidnapped some time ago. At first, it was thought that she’d run away with her boyfriend or simply run away. Then it was discovered that she’d broken up with her boyfriend and her car was found broken down on the side of the rode. That made the water a little murkier.

She’d been kidnapped. That’s all they knew. There was no sign of a struggle and there was no sign of the kidnapper requesting a ransom. Still, it was no question as to what the kidnapper wanted with her. It made West sick just to think about it. He stared at the list of people she followed on Instagram, the vloggers she watched on YouTube, the people she was friends with on Facebook, and the blogs she followed on Tumblr. Nothing. No threats. No jokes about threats. No weird men. No weird searches. Alright, maybe a few but nothing that was too strange.

He’d gone through her phone but still there was absolutely nothing. Her friends, who were obviously scared sick, had nothing to contribute to the search. Her parents and sibling had nothing. It was the law enforcements’ worst nightmare. There was absolutely nothing to go on. They couldn’t even figure out why her car stopped working and the press was absolutely eating them up for it.

He felt like throwing the computer and folder across the room. He sighed and decided it was time to go home. He would feel better in the morning. The stress was making him irritable and his hair was slowly getting grayer. The people around the office even went as far as buying him hair dye and sleep medicine. He could take a hint. He needed to leave when everyone else left. His job was consuming him.

Then his phone rang. He looked at the phone number and instantly his heart raced increased. He could have told you this number in his sleep.


“It’s terrible. You were right. It’s like a concentration camp. They’re so weak and so young. The youngest are sixteen and the others are around twenty-five. There’s this boy-oh this poor boy-they nearly killed him. It’s awful.”

“And it’s the same address? Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. It’s underground. He wouldn’t have this kind of lab in the open. As far as I can tell, the security system is all online so you guys can brake it down from the outside, right? You have to get here quickly. They need help.”

West’s heart was racing. He’d prayed to God that he was wrong about this but he hardly ever was. He knew there was no way that an organization could find that must universal blood. They’d gotten away with it for more than twenty-five years. It was only a matter of time before they were caught. And he’d been the one to do it. He pushed down the pride he was feeling. This wasn’t about him. This was about the families and victims he was helping and the criminals he was putting away. Hopefully six feet under.

“Does anyone suspect you?”

“I have no clue but I wouldn’t imagine so. The other workers are too terrified to speak. I don’t think they knew what they were getting into.”

“Alright, it’s time for you to get out of there. I can’t have anyone knowing about you and you’re involvement. Too risky for both of us.” West said to Lassen.

“You want me out tonight? When are you sending men in?”

“I’m calling the FBI Director right now and telling him about this. He’ll believe me. It’s too risky not to. Then he’ll probably make a call to the President. The press is going to eat this up. We’ll need to alert the hospitals. We’ll put together a large team, machine guns and helicopters. The whole nine yards. I’ll make sure no corners are cut. We should be there in four hours. Can you get out by then?”

“I’m already out.”

West paused and let a small smile cross his face. He knew choosing her for this mission was no mistake. She was five times better than any agent here. If only he could convince her to join the FBI, even the CIA. But he knew she would never do that.

“Good. The fireworks are about to go off, Lassen. The fireworks are about to go off.”

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