--Agent West: FBI

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--Two months earlier--

Agent West sat at his desk, pouring all of his attention over a file. He took another sip of coffee, fighting down sleep. He just couldn’t sleep now. He knew trying would be useless. Not until he fit the puzzle together. He picked his head up as he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. It was only Samantha leaving for the night and she smiled and pointed to the clock above her head. It was getting late. Really late. Agent West shook his head and she shrugged her shoulders and smiled again.

For a FBI agent, she was awfully cheery.

After she was gone and West had gotten more coffee, he turned his attention back to the file and asked the questions he’d been asking himself for the past four hours. How had they gotten so much blood so quickly? There weren’t enough donors to begin to cover the amount that they donated to hospitals and disaster areas. Was he missing something? Was a report not here? Did someone mess up the numbers? That had to be it. This just wasn’t possible. Unless…


No. He had to get over his theory. There was no way someone would do that. They wouldn’t have the resources or the building to house the captives.

Would they?

If they did, who was it? Why?

Agent West couldn’t shake the feeling that he was on to something. He’d been in the FBI long enough to know that there was nothing too out of the ordinary. Anything could happen if money was involved. It made people do strange things.

 He knew he wouldn’t be able to go home, much less get sleep, unless he dug a little deeper. He picked up his phone and placed a call.

“Hello?” A tired voice asked.

“Mrs. Lassen?”


“This is Agent West with the FBI. If you have a minute I’d like to inform you of a case I’ve been working on. I think I might have job for you.”

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