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Dane’s POV

     Dane picked at the scab on bend of his arm. That was where they always took his blood. It had never gotten the chance to heal and was always slightly swollen and bruised. He yearned for the days when it didn’t hurt. He propped up against the cell wall. He wanted Lassen to come back, before her arrival his life had been like a slow death. It was a slow death. The next time they took blood from him, he hoped they took too much. That’s when he heard the noises. It was an occurrence that was becoming less and less popular. Often, when the guards take the new Donors to have blood drawn, the Donors lash out and try to escape.

They really only do that once.

Then the noise continued. Dane sat up, fear gripping his insides. At most, the breakaway only lasted about seven seconds because the guards had Tasers and arms the size of a gorilla.  Then he heard the guards started to scream. It was a faint but it was getting louder. Why was a guard screaming? Was the spy attacking? Were they in a fight?

Dane stood and walked over to the door and pressed his ear to the door. He heard gunshots and feet pounding the floor. What was happening? He heard more screaming and someone stopped right in front of his cell door but there was no time to react to what happened next. The door was thrown open and he barely got a glimpse of his ex-foster Father with a syringe in his hand. Half a second later, the syringe was in neck. He felt the icy liquid go into his neck and a single thought crossed his mind before he staggered into the hallway and fell into the arms of the man he hated the most.

What if he wanted to kill him because he knew more of the inner workings of his organization?

He woke up very slowly. He felt pressure on his wrists and his ankles. He knew he was awake but he couldn’t see anything. He was blindfolded. He couldn’t see a thing. Not even a glimpse of light was getting through the cloth on his eyes. He was tied up. But why wasn’t he dead?

He heard someone stir in the room with him. Dane’s muscles contracted and anger and fear built up in his system. He was furious that he’d been here for months on end. His teenage life was slipping away. All the things he could have done. All the tests he could have failed. All the tests he could have cheated on with his friends. All the nights he could have snuck out to be with his girlfriend. Everything was stropped away from him because of one thing. His blood type.

He screamed in frustration.

“Dane, it’s ok. They’ll take you away from me if they catch us. I had to take you. Only you,” The Doctor said in a soothing tone.

“Who will?” He grunted.

“The FBI caught us. I don’t know how. But don’t worry. I was able to get to you before they did. You’re safe with me.”

Lassen did it. She really did it. The FBI is here. A surge of hope built inside him. Why weren’t they trying to get him? Where were they? Had they gotten the other Donors out of the compound? He tried to push his feelings of panic aside. Were they dead? Why wasn’t he dead?

Dane told himself over and over again that he was useless to the Doctor if he was dead.  Right now, Dane needed to get as much information out of him as he could.

That meant asking the stereotypical questions.

“What are you going to do to me?”

“I’m going to help you. Like I always have.”

 “You wouldn’t have tied me up if you just wanted to get away,” Dane said, ignoring what the Doctor said.

“The only reason the FBI hasn’t arrested me yet is because I have you. I’m not risking you escaping.”

“So I’m a hostage? They try to come in here and you’ll kill me, right? I’m just here until you figure out how to get out of here. That’s going to be hard. You can’t tell me this place isn’t underground.”

“Aren’t you a bit blunt?”

Dane opened his mouth to say something but closed it when he felt the Doctor’s hands on his face, pinching his cheeks lightly.

“I don’t like bluntness,” The Doctor said before he punched Dane in the face.

Dane bit down on his tongue to keep from crying out. He dropped his head and tried to think of a way out of this. He got out ten seconds in before he rendered it useless. This man had kept him prisoner for a long time and this was no different.

Then the phone rang.

Dane tried to keep his face neutral. He had a feeling it wasn’t the tax collectors.

“What?” The Doctor spat into the phone.

“I want your men out of here. Leave me and my blood alone!” The Doctor kept making demands and threats.

Dane didn’t even bother to try and get out of the ropes. The FBI would lose this one. The Doctor would get away with Dane and any other request. The Doctor always got what he wanted. Always.





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