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I am giving up on my E3 theme so I'm moving onto Minecon 2016 hahaha.


Why did I choose this flight? The last one. I would have to miss rehearsal. And the jet lag. It takes a while to get used to it, but why? Why was I giving myself only a night before performing in front of who knows how many people. Over 1,000 that's all I know. Why?


How can I get used to the jet lag? I'm only here for a day before the event, which should be enough, but how will Squid react? He only has a night. My phone beeped with a text from him. 

Squid: Maybe these shoes will wake me up tomorrow.

It was a picture of his crazy bright shoes

Stampy: Haha maybe. I'll catch you up tomorrow. I'm going to the pier.

Squid: Okay bye.

I went to the pier with Sqaishey to relax for a bit. She pulled out her vlogging camera and began a clip. While we were walking and talking, I took her left hand and gripped it, feeling the promise ring. She had worn hers, but I wouldn't wear mine until after the event. I'm known for speaking with a lot of hand gestures and we didn't want the fans to know yet. She ended the clip and we got food. "All we do when we travel is eat," I noted.

"Yes it is. But I love doing it with you," she said, kissing me lightly.

End of ze chapter now!!! 

QOTC: What is a book you are reading(not a Wattpad one)?

AOTC: The  new Magnus Chase 


--Luna xxx

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