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"How do you think it'd feel to be one of them?" I asked Ricky, as they passed the 'popular' crowd and sat down on our chairs in the back of the classroom. The popular crowd was unlike any in other schools. Usually the populars are the long-legged blonde cheerleaders ad football players, dumber than a rock with that go to lots of parties and are 'friends' with nearly everyone. 

The popular crowd in my school was the exact opposite. It was a group of kids, that were not alike at all. Still there was a thing that seemed to tie them together. Probably the fact they all lived in a big house - boarding school or an orphanage, I wasn't sure - at the edge of the woods. 

Sure there were a few sports people in the group -  wrestler siblings Bronwyn and Victor. But unlike other popular crowds, this one had the smartest person on our school in it, a boy, who has won 3 years in a row in nationals in Maths, - Millard Nullings, - a science freak, who as the rumors say, spends her free time in the greenhouse - Fiona Frauenfeld and a man who comes to school in tuxedos Horace. From all the high school movies you saw you'd expect these people to be self indulged, ignoring those who 'don't belong with them', but from what I'd heard, Ricky's 15 year old cousin is a good friend of Horace's. So maybe the problem wasn't in them, but in us.

And the more I thought about it, more sense it made. Richy and I never seemed like we were ready for a normal conversation with other people - probably because we weren't used to somebody wanting to talk with us. We usually discussed video games and your mama jokes, always hiding in the back of the classroom, secretly judging everyone. I mean, yeah, every now and then it wasn't pleasant that nobody wanted to talk to us, but we never bothered to make a change, so it was all kind of our fault.

But then there was this other thing that I didn't like about befriending the populars. You befriend one - you befriend all of 'em. And now, with Bruntley siblings, Horace, Millard, Fiona or even Hugh - the bee enthusiast - I had no problem, but Enoch was a completely different story. He was the school's bully, bullying me since the third grade. 

One time, he ate my lunch. Not just any lunch. He ate my tacos. And nobody, nobody eats my tacos without getting what they deserve, so I dared him to a fight. "After lunch in the music classroom," I said, pretty confident I'll win. As soon as the fight started, I regretted my choice - he put my head into a drum and started banging on it. My fragile skull had a concussion for two weeks.

Ricky ignored me, starring at his phone, playing Clash of Clans, when Enoch walked into the classroom, followed by the ultimate stereotypical popular girl (I do realize I said they weren't the stereotypical populars, but this one is) - Emma Bloom. Long legs, blonde hair, sarcastic.

Enoch greeted the others, while Emma grabbed Bronwyn's hand and pulled her to the back of the classroom. She threw herself into the chair right beside me, which surprised me so much I kicked Ricky under the table. He opened his mouth in shock and made a duck face. Then he hugged air and started kissing it. I rolled my eyes at his incredibly funny humor and turned around, to see Enoch standing in front of us, his eyebrows raised. Ricky apparently got the hint. As soon as he saw him, he collected his things and threw them on a chair in front of us. I, on the other hand, wasn't planning on doing that. Nah-uh. I won't let this big bully chase me of off my sit. "Outta my way barmy," he said and I didn't move. Barmy was his nickname for me for which, through the years I learned meant "idiotic" in Brittish. "Didn't'cha hear what I said, scumbag?" His eyes shot to Emma and he grinned, apparently very pleased with himself, but she just rolled her eyes.

"Scumbag?" I asked. This was a new one.

"Do you need reminding of what happened last time we had a disagreement?" He asked and pretend to play drums.

I rolled my eyes and took my stuff in my hands. "You can always ask nicely," I said, but it came out as a grumpy kid.

Enoch and Bronwyn high-fived each other and Emma just rolled her eyes again and muttered, "Idiots."

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