safety first

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*Connor's pov* 

i ran to my car and jumped in, started the engine and raced after Emily's car. i couldnt let her drive, what if she had been drinking? 

At first i couldn't see her anywhere, the roads had started to get busier. As i drove further along the road i  felt an impulse to turn left onto a narrow field side road. I didn't want to but the feeling was growing as i made my way. I heard a racing car in the distance. 

What if it was Emily?

I drove faster, trying to find her. This road seemed to go on forever, i had to find her. 

Sooner than i expected i  came across the racing car,

it wasn't her. I couldn't see who it was. From the hair i guessed it was a woman. 

I followed the car, only inches behind it. I saw another car at the end of the road at the exits. It wasn't moving and this car infront wasn't stopping. 

It was her, i could tell. She was scared and i could sense that. Her car wasn't moving, I couldn't move it for her, i didnt have the power for that. But i had to save her. I slowed the car infront down, but not enough. The car rammed into the back of Emily's. 

I  raced out of my car to her side. I forced the door open and dragged her out and lay her down on  the road infront of the car. Her head was bleeding, her eyes were shut. 

She was unconcious. I checked her pulse. 

The other car started again and sped past us then disapeared into the distance. 

I wiped my hand over the top of her wound and closed my eyes, when  i opened them again her cut had disappeared and there was just a faint line left. She would wake up soon and i didn't want her to see me like this. 

I put her in my car, i would have to transport hers tomorrow. 

I took her back to her house, nobody was awake and i ws glad of that. I opened the door without a second thought and carried her upstairs to her bedroom.

I knew every part of her house, when nobody was in i liked to come here and explore. I knew every inch of her bedroom, I'm not a creep i promise, I'm just intrigued. 

I tucked her into bed and left the house, normally i would sit for a while and watch her sleep, but i didn't want to invade on her like that, not tonight anyway. 

She would have a bad headache tomorrow. 


*Alisha's POV* 

I saw Emily sat in the kitchen on her own. She needed to lighten up and have a good time. I made a few guys go in and chat her up, but none of them were working, she just pushed them away. I was getting tired of her prudish ways, she needed to live a little. 

I saw a boy, not the best looking, but to these girls he probably was the 'hottest boy in school'. I decided he was perfect for Emily. I made him go in and make her happy. 

He walked into the kitchen, telling his friends to wait ouside. He walked straight over to her. Then he made his move. 

She put up a fight and she escaped, at least for a little while. But he pinned her against my fridge and carried on. 

I thought she'd give in after that, but she didn't.

She kicked him in the shins and kneed him in the balls. Then she ran out of my house and drove off in her car. 

Luke. Connor. 

I saw Connor still searching for her. He came across Luke and walked away, obviously not thinking about what happened. He searched in the kitchen, then went outside the back.  

I couldn't let him find Emly, not yet anyway. I ran out the front to me car and followed her. I saw Connor walk outside towards his car as i drove away. 

I had to distract Emily. I made her navagation come to life, it made her turn down a narrow country road. Just as i planned. 

I waited at the top until she got about halfway through, i then cranked up the engine and sped down the road, towards her. 

i didn't want to kill her, not yet anyway. 

She stopped at the end of the road and i stalled her engine so she couldn't move. I crashed into the back of her and waited for Connor to arrive. 

I wanted him to feel like he was one step ahead of everyone, that he was the only reason she survived. 

He pulled her out of the car and lay her on the road, sobbing ever so gently. 

I started up the engine again and raced past them without a second glance. I know Connor didnt see me, he wouldve come up to the car when it was parked otherwise. 

Connor had a plan, but so did i, the only difference is, he didn't know my plan. 

 When i got back to my house, i made everyone leave and cleared up. Emily probably wouldn't remember anything tomorrow. Neither would anybody else, i spiked all of the drinks. 

There was a knock at the door and Connor walked in.


He knows. 

He walked over to the couch and sat down. 

'I couldn't find her' he said.

'I know, she left early i think, i was asking around' 

'she was in a crash' 

i tried my best to act concerned, which was hard because i don't care for a bitch like her. 

'is she okay? why was she driving? im sure she'd been drinking' 

'she's fine, just a small scratch, i know i thought you would've looked after her and not made her drink' 

'Connor, i didn't make her do anything. it's a party, you can't expect her not to drink.'

'i suppose so, sorry it's just that im worried.' 


'what if i never meet her?' he reminded me of a lost puppy at times like this, his eyes were more widened than normal and his lower lip was stuck out dramatically. 

'you will, i have an idea but you might not like it' 

'if it involves meeting her and actually talking to her then i don't care what it is, i'm in."

'okay, here it is....'


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