Part Three.

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The wait was pure agony.
what does it mean? Merlin asked to himself.
in Arthur's mind, he was about to die... he said those words because he thought that he was never going to see me again.
Maybe he was dragged by the moment... or maybe no. Maybe he does love me.
Merlin was shocked, he lost his breath.
he...loves me...
In his heart, Melin always knew.
Because their bond was too strong to be just a friendship.
They were too close, they cared too much. All these secret looks, all these softly touches.
A lot of time Merlin thought he was totally into Arthur.
He always wanted to be by his side.
When Arthur shared worries whit him, asking him advices, Merlin felt valued.
And that feeling warmed his heart like nothing else.
When they accidentally touched each other's hands, Merlin's heart started beating fast, and then faster and faster and faster.
In the night, when they were alone, when they could speak about everything, with intimacy, ignoring their social inequality, Merlin was always overwhelmed by uncontrollable happiness.
I think I'm in love with him too... maybe I've always known that, but I was too busy discovering his destiny to understand what kind of feelings I have for him.
Gaius interrupted his thoughts.
"Merlin you should go to check on Arthur."
"... What? Oh yes."
He took a deep breath.
"Yes, I'm going."
He stopped behind Arthur's chamber, cold sweat on his forehead.
He knew he couldn't look into his eyes in the same way he did before, not after his unexpected confession.

I need to wait, just a few hours. Where stories live. Discover now