Finding Laura

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Laura was always there for me, she always put Derek and I first before herself. When Aunt Talia died, it earned her the Alpha status. She was beyond scared, so were we. But she grew and became a real good Alpha, but not as good as my Aunt. Don't get me wrong Laura was a good Alpha, but aunt Talia was great and a respected one. Even though I'm not a werewolf , I was still in her pack, because we're all family. The day Laura stated she was going back to Beacon Hills, I upset and didn't want her to go. I told her I can sense death in that town but she did the same as Talia did, shoo me off and told us she'll be back. All that week I was trying to talk Derek into us going, but he did nothing about it. The next day there was no call. I awoke that night screaming, having a vision seeing Laura with only half of her body.

Just in time I closed my journal, we pulled up to a once big, beautiful house in the woods. It is now a horror movie like house. Derek parked the car next to our house. Once the car stopped I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door. Getting out, I went to the back of the car to where Derek opened the trunk and passed me my gym bag. Derek and I shared a look, he threw his bag over his shoulder and started to walk up. Derek walked up the stairs onto the porch and opened the door, I paused remembering the time of the fire, the fire that killed my family. I hesitated but walked into the house after him. I looked at the grand stairs case, which is now an old, ass creaky stairs. Then I was remembering a time when Cora and I would run up and down the stairs. My dad would warn us to be careful, but we never listened and I ended up with a small scar on my chin. I let out a small tear, but quickly swept it away before Derek saw.

I put my gym bag down on the second step, just then Derek entered the room.

''We need to look for Laura's body, before the cops find her'' he said with a tortured voice. I looked down and shook my head to agree and we both walked out of the house and into the woods.

It's been a good forty to forty-five minutes looking for Laura. Derek and I walked very close together just in case we fall. As we were looking, we heard someone shout and we ducked behind a tree. When I looked out, I saw the Sheriff and his son, I think his sons name is Miles, Smiles or something like that, he probably heard about Laura and wanted to investigate on his own. Miles or Smiles's dad took him by the neck to the car, I let out a little laugh because I knew he would be in deep shit. I was about to turn around with Derek but he grabbed my arm and ran, I pulled out of his grip so I can run on my own. Derek slowed down and ducked down, I ducked down by his side. I looked around a bit, just then I saw on the ground, Laura's body, no sorry what I meant was, half her body. I quickly ran over to her, hearing Derek whispered after me to stop, but I didn't. It happened again, my senses came true, Laura was dead.

Derek chased after me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. He pressed a finger to his mouth. There is the sound of someone running through the woods near Laura's body. We duck behind bushes. I see a kid about my age looks like he's shaking an inhaler. Something on the path ahead of him spooks him. There is a sudden trembling of the ground. Derek and I brace ourselves. The kid cries out as a stampede of panicked deer run at him. Knocking him down, almost trampling him. As soon as they run off the kid, who I recognize, I think his name is Scott. Oh now I think Miles got caught and then Scott got left behind. He gets up starts looking for something with the flashlight of his phone, I think its his inhaler. He is getting very close to Laura's body. Derek and I stiffen. Scott had found Laura's body. He seemed shocked and afraid at the site of it. He loses his footing and falls down the ravine. Derek and I follow carefully, not to be seen. Scott stands, he freezes. We all heard it. It was a low growl. Derek and I saw it first. The red eyes in the distance. An Alpha's red eyes. When I moved a little, the Alpha and I locked eyes. Something about him, I can feel his pain, grief, and mostly anger. There was something else I didn't quite get. The Alpha pounced on Scott, knocking him down. Scott scrambles and tries to get away. The Alpha pulls him back and bites down hard on him. Scott screams and then rolls away. He gets up and runs blindly through the woods.

We waited a few minutes to make sure the Alpha didn't come back. Derek went to Laura and knelt beside her. He let a tear fall. I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

''We should go back home, and bury her beside the house. We'll put wolfs bane around her. So if anyone comes to dig her out, she'll be a wolf''. I watched him, as he wiped the tear away and picked her up and carried her back home.

Two hours later after we arrived home, I wrapped Laura's body in a blanket and tied a rope around her and knotted it several times, while Derek was finally done digging her grave. Derek walked over and helped me pick up Laura and gently put her in. He got out of the hole and put his hand for me to grab, and then pulled me out. We looked into the grave and had a moment of peaceful silence. Derek handed me my shovel and held his. We started filling in the hole with dirt. I placed the wolfs bane while I told Derek to go inside and freshen up. It took up to 10 minutes to place the wolfs bane flowers in the ground and when I looked down I saw a golden light shine around it and then it died out.

I went inside the house and entered the living room. I saw Derek with a glass of my fucking whiskey in his hand! I raised my eyebrows at him and he gave me a slight smirk

''You should really hide your whiskey better, or else someone else is going to get it'' he downed the last drop from his glass. I gave him a sigh and sat on the couch, pouring myself a glass and pouring what was left into Derek's. While drinking my whiskey, sour wolf said

''You should get some sleep, I signed you up for school. You're now a student of Beacon Hills High School" I spit out my drink and started choking

''I'm sorry, I think I'm deaf, did you just say I have to go to school'' he started laughing,

''Of course now go upstairs and get some sleep, you don't want to look awful on the first day do you?''. I gave him a glare. I walked up the stairs but stopped halfway and turned to him

''Jerk'' which he replied ''Bitch''. I gave him a smirk which he returned, then I grabbed my bag and walked to my bedroom.

I walked into my room which was half burnt and it has some pink, yep totally forgot I lost the bet. I put my bag down on the bed and got out my sweatpants. then took my bag off my bed. I took off my leather jacket and boots, then took off my jeans and threw them on the chair. I put on my sweatpants, grabbed my journal and got started to write...

Well we found Laura, ya she gone. Hunter's got to her, or maybe it was that Alpha in the woods? We shared a look and I felt everything he was feeling, I felt his anger, but somewhere I can see, sadness? I'll try and find out who the Alpha is. I'd like find out why he chose to bite that kid Scott. Tomorrow I'm going to the hell hole, school yep I hate it. I get passing grades, so why do I have to go? I kind of hope I see my one best friend Lydia. She's really smart but she plays dumb. I hate it when she does that, hopefully she isn't obsessed with that Jackson guy anymore. I really hope I see Danny, I was the first one to ever know he was gay, he told me about it and I said follow your heart. Now lets go back to Laura, shes the one who told me to follow my heart. She was always there for me when I went to the hospital and when I went to see my dad. She was there when I was reading ALL about the supernatural, she was there for everything else. Laura, you will be missed.

A tear fell onto the page as I closed my journal

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A tear fell onto the page as I closed my journal. I put my pillow on my head to prevent me from crying.

''I miss you Laura''

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