An Alpha, A Beta, And a Party

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     ''Cleo, get up time for school'' Der-bear said shaking me awake.

I wish I didn't have to go. People are going to be whispering and coming to ask me if I was in the same fire as my family. It's none of their business. I pulled away the cover but stopped when I felt slight pressure on my chest, but it stop. Weird.  I got up and went to the washroom. I turned on the shower and got in. When I got out I blow dried my hair and brushed my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and put on my bra and underwear. I slid into my grey faded jeans and put on my dark grey tank top. I sat down on my chair and slipped into my black combat boots and tied them up. I got up and put on my amethyst crystal Laura got me for my 16th birthday. 

I carried my leather jacket and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen to get my self something to eat

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I carried my leather jacket and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen to get my self something to eat. When I walked in I was met by Derek serving my breakfast

''Well, well, I didn't know my big bad wolfy bear has such a good heart and makes his favorite cousin's breakfast on her way to hell'' I said with a big smile on my face.

''I don't want you to be grumpy on your first day of school. I'll be giving you lunch money, and I'd appreciate you giving me updates on the new beta and everything else,  including boys''. Wolf-man said as he was placing my lunch money on the table. Great soggy food for lunch *eye roll.  After eating my breakfast I put on my jacket and grabbed my bag. Derek, always a gentleman, opened the door for me. I gave him one of my famous smirks. He returned with his famous raised eyebrows as I was walked past him and out of the house. We both laugh as he turns to lock the door behind him. placing his arm around my shoulder we walk over to the car. I sigh as we got in the car and I buckle my seat belt, Derek puts the keys in the ignition, starts the engine and drives me to "hell".

I turned on the radio and listened to Victorious by Panic! At The Disco, I was remembering the time when Laura, Derek, and I would goon road trips, We listened to music full blast. Laura and I were singing our lungs out while Derek covered his ears. He was scared that his eardrums would bleed bleed. I started laughing at the memory while Derek gives me a look from behind his sunglasses.

''What are you laughing at''?

''Road trips, remember that?'' I gave him a cheeky smile, as he rolled his eyes,

''How can I forget your horrible voice''. I gave him a fake hurt look with my hand on my heart.

''Eh! I'm not that bad'' he gave me another look and continued driving while I sang.

After my beautiful singing routine Derek pulls up in front of the school.

''So, do you have everything you need? Do you have your lunch money?" I pulled out my wallet and showed him the money.

''Don't forget to give me an update about school. Especially the beta, if he wolfs out."  he put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at his hand then looked up at him.

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