Emotionally Unsteady Love {Andy Leo Fanfiction}

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{Authors note}

Hey guys! So this is my first ever fan fiction that I'm publishing. I really hope you guys enjoy this story. This is a small introduction on who Alexandria is and what has happened in her life up until now. It was really hard to come up with a story line for this so I really hope you enjoy this story. I spent hours thinking of how to type this introduction and now that I have it, I'm ready to share it with you. Just so you guys know, I'll be updating the first chapter tomorrow. So I really hope you like it! Enjoy!

My name is Alexandria, or Alex for short. I am seventeen years old. I live in Dallas, Texas. I have a brother, 22, a younger sister and younger brother, 7. All my life I thought love was something my parents had. They loved each other with ever inch of their living bodies. They were married for seventeen years. Two years after their marrige, they brought Brandon, my older brother, into the world. My parents were beyond excited when they finally saw Brandon for the very first time, well except for my dad. You see Brandon was born with blonde hair yet both of my parents had brown hair. My mother is a carrier, which means one of her parents had blonde hair. Obivously she gave off the blonde hair gene to my brother. My father didn't believe her and questioned about her having an affair. After getting a DNA test which my mother found unnecessary the test proved that Brandon was in fact, his child. Five years later my mother was pregnant with her second child, Alexandria, that's me. About seven years after my mom and dad deicded to just settle down a bit longer, we got our first puppy. Sure great danes are a handful, but they are amazing. I was only five when we adopted Max, but he grew on me quite quickly.

My mom and dad had set me and Brandon, my older brother who was 15 at the time, down for a family talk in the living room. My mom told us she was pregnant with twins. Brandon and I were very happy but my father wasn't. My father wasn't one to take child news very well. He questioned my mother before arguing with her, accusing her of an affair. That same week my father moved out. My parents divorced and we've never heard of him since.

Brandon didn't take the divorce very well. About a month after the divorce he got involved with the wrong crowd. He started smoking, drinking and sleeping with random girls from school. He was 16 when he got his first tattoo. When my mom found out about his drug and alcohol abuse, she sent him to a rehab facility until he was 20. I missed out on having an older brother for four years. It's sad to say that I almost forgot I had an older brother. It's been two years since he returned home happier and healthier. As we try to rekindle the bond we once shared, he's making up for loss birthdays and holidays. I'm glad that I have my brother back home.

My mother named her twins Macy and Michael. She has also found a new boyfriend since my dad walked out on us seven years ago. I can't say I like him because to be honest he makes my mom happy just not us. He hates Brandon because he hasn't moved out yet, he hates me because of how loud I blast my music and for just being myself, and he hates Macy and Michael for being kids. Everyday when my mom is at work and Brandon is at adult school he makes us do things around the house that my mom leaves for him. If we don't, he beats us. I know what your thinking and no, my mom doesn't know. She's never home when he does. Whenever she noticed a strange discolor on our face I had to quickly make up a lie about how we were playing a game of hide and seek when suddenly someone bumps into something or falls or in somcases, rough housing. I guess you could say life is pretty hard. I'd tell you that it's 100% safe in my house, but when Daniel, my moms boyfriend, is around alcohol, I fear for my own life along with Macy and Michael's. Sometimes I just wish my dad had never left us.

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