Don't You Know I'm Human Too {Warped Tour} Part 2

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"Look, I'm telling you she's not going to be up here. Out of all things, why would she be hiding up on the roof?" Miles called out to me as we climbed up to the attic. He never really understood the female race. He may think he knows how the female mind works, he doesn't understand females like Alex and I. Right now Alex is going through a heartbreak. Everyone knows how a female gets after a heartbreak. They never can look at anyone the same ever again. Which is the worst part about being a girl.
"Listen to me Miles, I know my best friend. Okay? She has done this before, and it's sad that someone like you didn't pay attention to this very tiny detail about her. I mean come on you always -"
"STACY! Not the time....or the place. I swear to you don't ever bring it up again." Miles said as we finally arrived to the attic.
"Oh come on dude! It was like what, three years ago? Maybe even longer?" I chuckled walking over to the window that was slightly cracked open.
"Last year and it's not important okay. Now can we just drop it?"
"Shush! Look the window is opened. You staying here and argue with that wall or going to cut the crap and come to comfort Alex with me?" I was already climbing out of the window when Miles turned so quickly I swear he looked like The Flash, to glare in my direction. Reaching the patio on the roof, I noticed Alex laying in the shade with her eyes closed. I sat down beside her looking forward. "I remember the first day we came up here. It was after you found out about Daniel. It was the best day ever. You know why? Because it was the day we got so much closer than expected. Now, are you going to let some worthless bitch get in the way of our Hot Topic shopping day? I sure hope not."
"Yeah, come on Alex. He isn't worth your tears. If he's going to be two timing girls left and right just because he's some famous singer, then he's got his head screwed on backwards. You deserve someone so much better than his ass. Believe me. You don't need someone like him in your life, especially if they don't know what they will be missing out on once you're gone. Someone like you deserves to be treated like a damn princess and if no one can do that for you then hell, they aren't even worth a second of your time to even be looked at." Both Alex and I turned to face Miles. I was surprised. Usually he doesn't come up with something this good to say, but I'm shocked.
"You know what, you're right. I don't need him. He's stupid for giving up on the best thing that has possibly come into his life. I'm going to walk into Hot Topic, pass right through their damn merch and just buy the Mayday Parade merch like a boss. Fuck Andy. Andy who?" Alex said with excitement as she sat up. "I don't need his ass. He isn't worth my tears damn it."
"Yes! Andy can go suck a dick. Let's get ready so we can get everything we need for tomorrow." I stood up helping Alex up in the process.
||Hot Topic||
{{Miles' POV}}
After finally convincing Alex that Andy wasn't worth her time, we all got dressed and headed to the mall. The Hot Topic was pretty empty considering that Warped Tour is tomorrow. That might be because we don't get things done ahead of time like others. Walking around looking at the merch made me realize that Warped Tour was really happening. I was going to be spending the day with my friends out of the city to see many of my favorite bands perform in an open area. It honestly doesn't get any better than this.
"Earth to Miles!"
"Huh? What happened?" I shook my head clear from my thoughts noticing Alex holding up a Mayday Parade t-shirt against her body, her large hazel eyes staring into my plain brown eyes.
"Well, I was asking you what you thought of this shirt but I can see you are distracted by something else." She added with a slight pout, "It's okay though, I'll just go and ask Stacy."
"No, sorry Alex. It looks lovely on you. Really. That one is definately killer." I flashed a convincing smile at her. Her eyes instantly lit up with excitement before she ran over to Stacy shortly after thanking me. I let a low chuckle out as I walked over to find myself a medium Issues tank. Issues had been the reason Stacy and I had gotten closer. We've known each other our whole lives but the first day she heard me humming "Love. Sex. Riot" back when their album Black Diamonds had first released, she went bazerk. It was a very amusing sight actually. I looked around the racks for a medium sighing in relief when I spotted the last one. There was no contemplating if I were to buy the tank for sure or not. It's the last tank top for crying out loud, of course I'm going to buy it. Walking back to the girls, the memory from last summer ran back into my mind.
I didn't know what to do. We were in the tree house by ourselves just listening to Crown The Empire. Lead Me Out Of The Dark had just came on when she turned and faced me.
"I really like you." I said but quickly regretting it. The day I met her, I knew from an instinct that she was absolutely beautiful. No other girl could simply compare to her. She knew how to make me laugh, even with her sass. She had this smile that could light up the entire room. I really didn't know what it was that made her so damn perfect, but it did.
"I really like you too, Miles." her smile was small but powerful. My gaze never left hers. Before I could stop myself, I was already leaning in. I had never kissed her before and I wasn't even sure if she had kissed anyone before me. As soon as my lips connected with hers, I felt like the entire world was spinning out of control. Our lips moving at a steady pace as my hands lay at her hips, her arms snaking around my neck. The kiss was soft and gentle, just as I had hoped. She had most definately kissed someone before me, and I'm glad she knew exactly what she was doing. Pulling away from her lips, I felt hers curl into a smile. We sat in complete silence in the tree house before her voice broke the silence.
"Miles... uhm.. that.. uh"
"I know. It was a mistake I'm sorry I should have -"
"No, no. It was nice, it's just-"
"I know I know. It's fine. I'm just glad that you even kissed back. At least I know I'm good looking."
"Of course you are good looking. Anyone who says other wise is stupid."
"Thanks I appreciate that hones-"
||End Of Flashback||
"Miles! Miiiles!" Alex giggled as she and Stacy waved their hands in front of my face.
"Sorry, I know, daydreming again. You girls ready to pay?" I said as I pulled out my wallet. Walking up to the open register Stacy quickly turned to Alex.
"Hey, Alex do you remember where I put my credit card? And my coupon?"
"Uh let me check my purse. Maybe you put it in there. Did you check your pockets?" She began digging through her bag grabbing her card and before finding Stacy's coupon. "Here's your coupon. But I can't find your -"
"Found it! It was in my butt pocket. Ha! Just where I keep it. Thanks though."
"Next." Finally getting to the cashier we each payed for our things seperatly. Stacy and I payed first, but when Alex was going to pay, the cashier lady had said that her card had been denyed.
"What do you mean denyed? I have plenty of money in there."
"Alex, it's okay. Here, I'll pay for it. It's fine. We will figure it out when we get home." I rubbed her back gently as I took a 20 dollar bill out of my pocket handing it to the cashier. I gave the change to Alex knowing she needed it more. "Let's go."
"Have fun trying to please Andy after me." The lady had called out as we headed to the door.
"What?" Alex quickly turned around to face the lady as a smirk played on her lips.
"What the fuck did you just say?" Stacy said quickly standing infront of Alex.
Oh crap. This is not good.
"You know, Andy Leo. Yeah, good luck with him. He was amazing."
"You....You were the one who called me? But what did I ever do to -"
"Oh drop the act. Andy never wanted you. He just felt sorry for you. I didn't think he would have taken my bet this far."
"I swear to God you better shut the fuck up!" Stacy said taking another step closer.
"Or what? You and your little friends are nothing! Especially her! She's worthless!"
"That's it!" Stacy quickly dropped her bag lunging herself at her. Her fists flew left and right. Alex quickly began hyperventilating watching Stacy. I looked back from Stacy to Alex not knowing who to take care of first. My first instinct was to get Stacy away from the girl we didn't even know, so I did.
"Stacy. Stacy stop!" I wrapped my arms around her waist quickly pulling her back. "Come on, she's not worth your time. Or mine. Or even Alex's." I finally got her off but she quickly pulled herself off me.
"God damn it Miles!" Stacy said brushing her jeans off before walking back to grab her things quickly walking out of the store. I raced over to Alex embracing her in my arms.
"It's okay. I'm right here. It's over." I whispered rubbing her back gently to calm her nerves. She trembled in my arms just like before. The first time I had witnessed her like this, it was worse.
||Recap|| {AN: this is how I will fast forward useless things to more exciting events. So I'm skipping the car ride home and lunch. Straight to dinner.}
{{Alex's POV}}

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