Δ QOTW Seven Δ

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Hey guys! Welcome to this QOTW, I have to say I love reading your responses! If you don't know how the QOTW works then just go back in the rules, it's definitely there. Basically if you answer this you get a point, and whoever has the most points gets to have their book as BOTW. Also every Saturday night I pick my favorite answer and that person gets an extra point. I usually judge it based off the thought put into it.

Please do your readings! If you want to drop out of the book club I understand, we are all busy, but please don't take it out on your partner. If you don't want to be in the club finish the weeks assignment and then PM me.



What do you want to be when you grow up and why?


I love questions like this, personally I want to be a computer science but if I end up starting a family then I want to be a writer! Let me know what you guys think below!

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