17. Waterfalls

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Sometimes I don't understand why the world works the way it does

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Sometimes I don't understand why the world works the way it does. Here I was, coming here to confess to Barry about my feelings for him and about my identity so everything would turn out okay, but turns out he already found out from another source. What in the hell were the odds of that happening?

However, I could see the burning hatred in his eyes, and I knew that I had to keep playing my part. There was no convincing him of my cause now. "Barry, what are you talking about."

He slams his fist into the glass, causing me to jump backwards. "You know what I'm talking about! Stop acting like you don't!"

I grit my teeth. I've been used to people being angry at me, but something about Barry being mad at me was different. However, that didn't mean I'd loosen my lash back at him.

"Listen to yourself, Barry. You're accusing me of being a villain...one that no one can prove the identity of!" I scream back at him, taking a step forwards, fire in my eyes. It was almost as if I was believing my own lies. "I don't know who you think you are locking me away in here before you can even ask me what the truth is! I thought you trusted me?"

"I did," he breathes slowly, lowering his fist. I couldn't tell if my words were changing his mind. "And you're wrong. Someone can and did prove Silver Trickster's identity."

I narrow my eyes. "How?"

"You made the mistake of telling Cisco your real name," Barry says as he looks me in the eyes, and I could tell that he had me good. "Jay made the same mistake. All it took was Harry to recognize the name and...just look for yourself."

A lump forms in my throat when I watch Barry tap something on the little computer by the cell, causing an image to be thrown up on the TV that was up in the corner of the cell. My heart sinks into my stomach when I see my face up there, but it was a younger version of me...the last time anyone took a photo of me.

"Congratulations Barry Allen, you found a photo of me as a child," I clap slowly, turning back to him and glaring. "What is this supposed to prove?"

He taps something else on the screen, causing an article to be thrown up onto the TV. He reads it out loud as my eyes skim over it. "Raven Black, the daughter of Teresa and Anthony Black, was born on January 21st, 1990. She went missing on the night of September 2nd, 2001 at the age of eleven after her parents were brutally murdered by an unknown identity. Clues and evidence at the crime scene lead to believe that the killer was the now known speedster Zoom, but can't be proven 100% true-"

I tune out Barry's voice in that moment as everything crashes into me. Jay had always told me that my parents were still out there somewhere...I had reason to believe that they were dead, but never once did he tell me that they were or did I believe it was true. Images of my parents flash through my mind from that night, and I wanted it to stop, but it wouldn't.

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